SunSITE Japan at Science University - Tokyo
SunSITE Northern Europe at Imperial College - London
SunSITE Singapore at National University of Singapore - Singapore
SunSITE Russia at Moscow State University - Moscow
SunSITE South Africa at University of the Witwatersrand - Johannesburg
SunSITE AskEric at Syracuse University - Syracuse
SunSITE Hong Kong at University of Science and Technology - Hong Kong
SunSITE Thailand at Assumption University - Bangkok
SunSITE Nordic at Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan - Stockholm
SunSITE Chile at Universidad de Chile - Santiago
SunSITE Israel at Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Jerusalem
SunSITE Central Europe at RWTH-Aachen - Germany
SunSITE Poland at Warsaw University - Warsaw
SunSITE France at Conservatoire National des Arts-et-Metiers - Paris
SunSITE Hungary at Laios Kossuth University, Debrecen - Hungary
SunSITE Italy at University of Milan - Milan
SunSITE Spain at Conseio Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, RedIRIS - Madrid
SunSITE Korea at Seoul National University - Seoul
SunSITE Czech Republic at Charles University - Prague
Sun SITE Mexico at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - Mexico