The Office of Academic & Research Services

The Office of Academic & Research Services is the systems-level research administration unit of The University of Tennessee. Its objective is to support the University's research mission by designing, implementing, and supporting information systems which are to:


The Office of Academic & Research Services is five years old, having begun with a staff of one in July 1988. It has grown over the last four years and currently maintains a staff of seven full-time employees.


More than anything else, our office is shaped and motivated by its customers - the 6 campus units of The University of Tennessee System, 4 campuses of the Tennessee Board of Regeants System, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and various other units within and outside of The University of Tennessee.


Since our work revolves around providing networked information delivery services, our primary tool is the computer. Most of our services are provided on "solar" - a Sun SPARCstation 10 purchased in July, 1994. A brief description of our technical environment is provided here.


The principal systems and services with which the office works include:

For more information, please contact:

Tom Garritano, Director
Office of Academic and Research Services
The University of Tennessee
UT Conference Center, Suite 313
600 Henley Street
Knoxville, TN 37996-4137

Phone: (423) 974-2908
FAX: (423) 974-6508

Last updated October 30, 1995