Following is the contents of a flyer handed out by the Berkeley Police Department at a sobriety checkpoint on University Avenue on the Thursday before Memorial day weekend:
The members of the Berkeley Police Department present the following policy for your review in the sincere hope that you will adhere to the suggestions included, and will thereby reduce your risk of becoming involved in an accident or suffering injury if an accident occurs.
The information included in this document is intended to inform you of the methods for the reduction of injury. Additionally, statistics are included to support the reasons for our concern, and the reason we feel that if you adopt the policies outlined, you will minimize your risk of being involved in an accident or, at the very least, reduce your level of injury if an accident cannot be avoided.
If you see a drunk driver, get to a phone or use your cellular phone and report him. You may save a life. Call 911.
Berkeley Police Department
2171 McKinley Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 644-6743
D.E. Butler
Chief of Police