
Advantages & Disadvantages

NB This page is now (September 1995) seriously out of date: what follows needs updating to include the use of writeable laserdisks, and of a new 1.2mp Nikon digital camera, as well as of a 3CCD Sony DXC930P camera feeding into a framebuffer, with 1.6mp images as a result. These larger images will be handled by a web-capable "zoom" capability, which will go on trial in the next few weeks.

For a fuller account of what i'm doing, see my "Imaging in Bulk for the Internet", in Real-Time Imaging, I, 33-47 (1995).

All the images of actual architecture for the Split project have been captured from 35mm slides or negatives via a S-VHS camera feeding into a 24-bit frame grabber, and thence to disk, where they are stored in JPEG format in spite of the fact that many of them are monochrome, or grey-scale. Because a 35mm slide has far more definition than can be captured in video resolution, my strategy has been to use a Sony PHV-A7E video camera for copying. The slides (or negatives) are placed in a holder, over constant white light, and the result projected onto a monitor in either VHS or S-VHS format. The machine offers colour balance controls, automatic focussing, white light balancing, and positive/negative modes - and the lens has 6x magnification. With suitable negatives/slides, therefore, three or more video images can be derived from parts of the area of one 35mm original, without much or any loss of resolution.

Note that because these images (whether a whole slide/negative, or just a detail) are presented to the framegrabber as video signals, albeit at S-VHS quality, none of these images can therefore be better than video resolution - but this is, in my opinion, quite sufficient for teaching and basic research purposes.

I have used a scanner only for capturing plans and the prints from the various out-of-copyright architectural manuals I have used, in an attempt to capture sufficient detail to make them readable (although, equally, I might have captured them using a video camera). Scanning positives is time-consuming, and storing the results is disk-consuming. Video resolution seems to me to give the best available balance between quality and efficiency - for both the digitizer and the end-user.

The advantages of in-line images are clear: the user can see what is on offer; but the formatting of any accompanying data can get messy if space is saved by marshalling the images across the page as here. One answer might be to "stamp" the bottom of each image with its basic catalog details, so that the image is portable, as it were, without any separate textual baggage (Images can also be asigned vertically, which wastes space, but allows informative paragraphs to be aligned above or under them if necessary).

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