Stanford Residential Computing 1995-1996

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1995/96 Residential Computing Budget (1)

Expenditures Funding Sources
Room RentsRevenue
RCCs$186,549.00$126,549.00$60,000 (3)
RCC Salaries (2)$160,812.00
Board, Food, EM&S$23,361.00
Hardware$336,214.00$330,214.00$6,000.00 (4)
Student Salaries (2)$37,758.00
Service Upgrades$27,000.00
Software & Development$45,743.00$45,743.00
Res Comp Admin$14,414.00$14,414.00
Printing$20,000.00$20,000.00 (4)

(1) this budget spreadsheet does not include salaries for 3 FTE exempt and 1 FTE non-exempt central support staff. It does, however, include all student staff salaries associated with the program.

(2) All student salaries include 26% benefits rate.

(3) RCC compensation is supplemented by a $30 in room ethernet activation fee. This year we expect $60,000 in revenue from this fee.

(4) Students are charged 5 cents per page to print on cluster laser printers. We expect to take in $26,000 in revenue for this printing. Of this, $20,000 goes directly towards cost recovery of printing supplies and $6,000 supplements the hardware maintenance budget.



Hall Clusters - 31 Locations

Row Clusters - 39 locations (small houses)

Total Clusters

Over 340 computers in 70 locations serving about 9,000 residents. (Stanford houses over 94% of its undergraduates and 40% of its graduates).

In-room connections

Available to ~8000 students with plans to expand to all 9,000 in three years. Mix of PhoneNet, Thin Ethernet and 10baseT -- Migrating to 10baseT.

Resident Computer Coordinators

House staff members (along with RAs, Head AAs, TAs etc.) who manage computer clusters, provide computer-based education, consult with residents on any and all computer related problems. RCCs also teach the CS1c "Introduction to Micro Computing" course in each house. RCCs have become the primary campus consulting resource for Stanford's housed undergraduates. Our reliance on these expert students is the key to the efficiency and effectiveness of the program. A listing of the current Stanford Resident Computer Coordinators (RCC's) is given in the RCC Directory. There is also a detailed job description.

RCC compensation and perks

Previous Years' Budgets

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