Welcome to the MAD Scientist Network! If you have a science question, go ahead and ask us.. We are a collective crania of scientists from around the world, fielding questions from as many people in as many places. To submit a question to the network, fill out the form on this page, or email us at YSP@pharmdec.wustl.edu.
Please be as specific as possible in detailing and describing your question. To give an answer, we need to understand what you're asking. If you're having problems with specific homework/science fair assignments, please ask along the lines of what you don't understand (vs. asking us to do the assignment). On average we expect a 7-10 day turnaround for questions to be answered. However, with holidays, breaks and other events it sometimes takes longer. If you provide a valid email address, a copy of the submitted answer will be sent to you.
If you are just in search of a place to help you find information on the internet about a specific topic in science, we recommend making a trip to Yahoo which has a comprehensive and organized listing of sites.
Enter your message in the box below. Click in the box if you do not see the
cursor. Use Return to start a new line (lynx users can use
the keyboard arrows). When finished,
click Submit
to send your question to the network. Click Clear Form to clear
the entire page.
If you have any questions or comments concerning the MAD SCIENTIST
NETWORK, please send mail to
YSP@pharmdec.wustl.edu. We would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Last modified 3-12-96.
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The last modification was the best modification.