Author: Heylighen,
Date : Apr 25, 1995 (modified); Aug 1993 (created)
Parent Node(s):
How to use Principia Cybernetica Web
If you have a problem that is not covered in any of the following notes (perhaps a bug in the server or a missing file, or something you simply don't understand), please send a precise description of the problem to the Webmaster, Francis Heylighen (fheyligh@vnet3.vub.ac.be).
The Principia Cybernetica Web can be read in many different orders and according to many different dimensions. A general overview (with a clickable map) of what is available on the server is provided in the Welcome ("Home") node.
New users who don't know about the Project, are advised to start with the general introduction (and possibly with some of the nodes referenced there, for more details). Once acquainted with Principia Cybernetica's general purpose, the user can get a quick overview of the present state of the project, and then, depending on his or her preferences, branch out to study either the project organization and practical management, or its theoretical results up to date, as gathered under the header of Metasystem Transition Theory.
Experienced users, who have already a good idea of how the Web is organized, are advised to use one of several navigational aids. If they are looking for a specific topic they can simply search for the appropriate keywords in the index. If they would like to know what has been changed since the last time they consulted the Web, they can check the recent additions. If they would like to systematically study the corpus of information, they can consult all nodes in the Table of Contents in the order in which they appear by following the "Next" command below (and hopefully not get too frustrated by the still empty nodes).
For more details about the tree-like organization of nodes and links, check the Web Structure.
Menu functions
The menu line at the end of each node provides a quick access to the main navigation functions, and user input forms:
- Next
links to the node which follows the present node in the Table of Contents. Always choosing "Next" will let you follow one (out of several possible) path(s) through the whole Web, guaranteeing an exhaustive covering of the material.
- Contents
- calls up the Table of Contents centered on the line that represents the node you started from, so that you can get a quick view of where that node is situated in the hierarchy.
- Search
- calls up a forms interface to the searchable index
- Annotate
- allows you to enter personal comments, and to create a new node linked to the annotated node.
- Reply
- allows you to add a comment immediately after an existing annotation, within the same node (not creating a new node). This command is only available if the node you start from is an annotation.
- Help
- links to the present node.
Child Nodes:
URL= http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/HOWWEB.html