In Cybernetics and Systems Science proper, many people have approached the general task of
compiling large amounts of useful information. There have been efforts on
the part of scholarly organizations, like the International Society for the
Systems Sciences (ISSS, formerly the Society for General Systems Research
(SGSR)), to develop lists of terms and concepts held in common with
Cybernetics and Systems Science. There are bibliographies of systems literature [TRRHOW84],
at least four dictionaries of cybernetic terms
[AM84,FRC91,KRK84,MUA68], and one encyclopedia of Systems Science
[SIM87]. An important contribution is the large pamphlet Education in the Systems Sciences [SNB90], detailing a great deal of
information about the whole nature of Cybernetics and Systems Science and how it is carried out
around the world. [CLB84] includes a substantive glossary of systems
terms. We should note the GENSYS project, directed by Len Troncale, which
has an ambition similar to Principia Cybernetica.
- [ABR88] Abraham, Ralph: (1988) ``Mathematics and
Evolution: A Manifesto'', World Futures, v. 23,
pp. 237-261
- [ADM52] Adler, MJ: (1952) Synopticon of Great
Books, Encyclopedia Brit., Chicago
- [AM84] American Society for Cybernetics: (1984) Glossary on
Cybernetics and Systems Theory, ASC, GWU, Washington
- [ASR56] Ashby, Ross: (1956) Introduction to
Cybernetics, Methuen, London
{A classic; still the finest
introductory book on cybernetics and systems theory. Includes
problem sets, examples, and diagrams.}
- [ATMBAF89] Atkinson, M, and Bancilhon, F, et al.:
(1989) ``Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto'', in: Proc.
Deductive & OO Databases, Kyoto
- [BIPDAM] Bishop, Peter, and Darton, Michael eds.: Enyclopedia of the World's Faiths
- [BOA80] Bogdanov, A.: (1980) Essays in Tektology,
{Translation of historical foundation of systems
- [BRSE] Brohnstein and Semendyave: Handbook of
- [BRG72] Brown, GS: (1972) Laws of Form, Julian
Press, New York
{Philosophy of and notational system for propositional
Basis for a whole school of graphical approaches to classical
- [CAR79a] Cavallo, Roger E: (1979) ``Systems Research
Movement'', SGSR Bulletin, v. 9:3
{Primer on Systems
- [CHM88] Char, MBS: (1988) ``Cybernetic Principle'',
Cybernetica, v. 31:2, pp. 97-98
- [CLB84] Clemson, Barry: (1984) Cybernetics: A New
Management Tool, Abacus Press, Kent
{Guide to the theory and practice
of management cybernetics, based on Beer. Includes extensive
- [COJ77b] Cornacchio, Joseph V: (1977) ``Systems
Complexity: A Bibliography'', Int. J. Gen. Sys., v. 3,
pp. 267-271
- [DET59] De Chardin, Teilhard: (1959) Phenomenon of
Man, Harper and Row, New York
{Early systemic evolutionary
- [EDP67] Edwards, Paul ed.: (1967) Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, v. 1-8, MacMillan, New York
- EN] : Images Encyclopedia, Enterprise Publisher, Des
Plaines IL
{Computer database encyclopedia of iconic symbols.}
- [FLA79] Flew, Antony ed.: (1979) Dictionary of
Philosophy, Pan Books, London
- [FRC91] Franc cois, C: (1991) General Systems
Theory and Cybernetics Dictionary
- [GEWGOS75] Gellert, W, and Gottwald, S et al. eds.:
(1975) Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Van Nostrand, New
- [GLV66] Glushkov, VM: (1966) Introduction to
Cybernetics, Academic Press, New York
{Excellent book on cybernetics,
translated from Russian.}
- [KLG69] Klir, George: (1969) Approach to General
Systems Theory, van Nostrand, New York
{An early book that describes
the nucleus of what is known now as the General Systems Problem
Solver: a general framework, or language, for systems science.}
- [KLG91a] Klir, George: (1991) Facets of Systems
Science, Plenum, New York
{Textbook and essay collection for a first
Systems Science course.}
- [KLU88] : (1988) Encyclopedia of Mathematics,
Kluwer, Hingham MA
- [KRK86] Krippendorf, Klaus: (1986) Dictionary of
Cybernetics, available through ASC
- [LAA76] Lacey, AR: (1976) Dictionary of
Philosophy, Routledge, London
- [MIHQUE85] Miser, HJ, and Quade, ES eds.: (1985)
Handbook of Systems Analysis, North-Holland, New York
- [MOG62] Moore, GE: (1962) Principia Ethica,
Cambridge U Press, Cambridge
- [MUA68] Müller, A ed.: (1968) Encyclopedia of
Cybernetics, Manchester U. Press, Manchester UK
{Translated from
German by G. Gilbertson.}
- [NEOCAR38] Neurath, Otto, and Carnap, R et. al.:
(1938) International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, U.
Chicago, Chicago
- [PAJ88] Palmer, James D: (1988) ``Review: Systems &
Control Encyclopedia, edited by MG Singh'', IEEE Trans. on Sys., Man
and Cyb., v. 18:2, pp. 33
- [PAV72] Parsegian, VL: (1972) This Cybernetic
World, Doubleday, Garden City, NY
{Survey of cybernetics.}
- [PAG61] Pask, Gordon: (1961) Approach to
Cybernetics, Harper & Brothers, New York
- [RAA86] Rapoport, Anatol: (1986) General Systems
Theory: Essential Concepts & Applications, Abacus, Cambridge
- [SIM87] Singh, MG ed.: (1987) Systems and Control
Encyclopedia, Pergamon, Oxford
{Eight volumes, from the perspective
of technical systems and control theory; also many excellent articles
of a more general methodological and philosophical nature.}
- [SNB90] Snow, Blain: (1990) Education in the
Systems Sciences, Elmwood Institute, Berkeley CA
{1st edition, Winter
1990, PO Box 5805, Berkeley CA 94705 USA. ``Annotated Guide to
Education and Research Opportunities in the Sciences of Complexity'':
degree-granting programs of study; societies, associations and
organizations; directory of researchers; publications: periodicals and
books; bibliography; keyword and cluster index; name index.}
- [TRR83] Trappl, Robert ed.: (1983) Cybernetics:
Theory and Applications, Hemisphere, Washington
{Anthology of
foundations of systems and cybernetics; review of
complete bibliography. Beer, Atlan, Pichler, Klir,
Nowakowska, Arbib, Laszlo.}
- [TRRHOW84] Trappl, Robert, and Horn, W, et. al.
eds.: (1984) Basic and Applied General Systems Research, Int.
Fed. Sys. Res., Laxenburg, Austria,
{Bibliography from 1977-1984,
Continuation of earlier bibliography compiled by Klir.}
- [VOH49] von Foerster, Heinz ed.: (1949+) Transactions of the Macy Conferences on Cybernetics, v. 1-10,
Josiah Macy Found., New York
- [WEG75] Weinberg, Gerard M.: (1975) Introduction
to General Systems Thinking, Wiley, New York
{Excellent popular
introduction to systems theories and principles.}
- [WHARUB10] Whitehead, Alfred, and Russell, Bertrand:
(1910) Principia Mathematica, v. 1-3, Cambridge U Press
- [WHARUB62] Whitehead, Alfred, and Russell, Bertrand:
(1962) Principia Mathematica to *56, Cambridge U Press
- [WI79] : (1979) Citation Indexes, Wiley, New
- [WIN48] Wiener, Norbert: (1948) Cybernetics, MIT
Press, Cambridge
{First book on cybernetics from this master of the
- [ZUW89] Zurek, Wojciech: (1989) ``Complexity, Entropy &
the Physics of Information: A Manifesto'', Sante Fe Institue,
v. 4:1, pp. 26-29