Personal Finance Center
The PAWWS Financial Network offers a wide variety of financial products and services. Please feel free to browse our site and take advantage of the right combination of investment tools to help you manage your money.
For your Information...
- PawTracks(tm)
Keep track of a basket of up to 150 securities by organizing and pricing them here.
This report can be e-mailed to you daily.
- Private Security & Asset Database
- create & price your own securities
- 20 minute or real-time quotes
- unlimited use
- 20 minute or real-time pricing graphs
- unlimited use
- Market Capitalization & Beta rating
- Industry classifications statistics
- Earning per share, outstanding shares, and current dividend yield
- Ford Data (additional costs)
Fundamental analysis and security screening
- Web Links
electronic SEC filings & access to companies homepages
For your Transactions...
- On Line Trading
- Cost basis taxlot portfolio accounting
- Capital Adjustments
splits, name changes, mergers, distributions, and exchanges
- Dividends & Interests received
- Valuation/Transaction Reports
- This report can be e-mailed to you daily
- Asset Allocation Graph
- Schedule D
- Realized Gains & Losses
PAWWS Financial Network
101 Hudson Street
Jersey City, NJ 07307