BABE (Universal) Though Chris Noonan, director and writer, is celebrating twenty-five years as a filmmaker, BABE marks his feature debut. The Sydney resident previously focused his talents on documentaries, including the prize-winning Stepping Out about a theatrical group of mentally handicapped actors. Noonan accepted an invitation by George Miller to join a workshop of actors and directors and wound up writing and directing five hours of Kennedy Miller's ten-hour mini-series, The Cowra Breakout. Subsequently, also for Kennedy Miller, he wrote and directed five of the ten episodes of Vietnam, the highest rated mini-series of its time, and then directed the telefilm The Riddle of the Stinson. During this same period, he also served a two-year term as president of the Australian Screen Directors Association. Noonan recently served a three-year term as chairman of the Australian Film Commission. Noonan made his first film, Could it Happen Here?, when he was 16 years old. The short, with a budget of $300 that spoofed high school life, won a prize at the Sydney Film Festival and later aired on television. In 1973, Noonan was one of twelve students chosen to attend the Australian Film School's inaugural course on direction. |