Number Seeking Committed Relationships
68.6% seek marriage partners.
31.4% seek companionship or relationship.
(Two-thirds of the base is marriage minded.)
Level of Education
34.3% minimum of a college degree.
26.6% Junior College degrees.
21.7% High School diplomas.
13.1% Masters degrees.
4.3% Ph.d, Juris Doctorate or MD.
(50% of the base has a college degree.)
Marital Status (Single, Divorced, Widowed, Separated)
59% divorced.
29.7% never married.
10% widowed.
1% separated at the time of registration.
(Nearly 60% are divorced.)
Employment Status
74% employed.
18% self-employed.
5.7% retired.
2.3% are unemployed or students.
(93% of the base is employed or self-employed)
Income Level
76.9% earns more than 20K
49.8% earns over 30K
28.1% earns over 40K
12.6% earns over 50K
23.2% earns less than 20K
71.7% are Professional or Entrepreneurs.
28.3% are Skilled.
40.1% own dogs.
33.6% own cats.
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