About Estonia-pages

Kui vähegi julgust on, saate oma materjalid ka teistele kättesaadavaks teha. Selleks üks sobivaim viis oleks saata need dokumendid siia, Eesti-Info serverisse. Kuni teil aga oma poolt midagi veel pole kirjutatud, tutvuge sellega, mida teised on seni teinud.

The "Open Estonian Foundation" has kindly donated the hardware for current server. Our warmest thanks!

Current pages are under constant construction. Not all sources are available yet, but a lot can be found when you surf this server. Look around, and when appropriate, point to the possible ways to improve the structure and contents of the data. Please note that the prerequisite to the continuous improvement of this server is via active participation by users. Please send all addittions, suggestions and information that you might have to the editor and coordinator of Eesti-Info project, Jaak Vilo.

For those who would like to contribute to the contents of current server, there is a small guide . Please contact with Jaak.Vilo@cs.Helsinki.FI . All your help is welcome.

Please note that these pages have been constructed and maintained as a voluntary service. If you could help economically the people who have created these pages then please, don't hesitate to contact us.

I would also like to thank those people, who have been contributing to current project and helping to improve it. Amongst others to: "APT Ltd."

Eesti-Info will not accept direct business-oriented pages. If you want to be seen for Estonian readers or those who are interested about Estonia, please contact with the Estonian company Meediamaa Ltd who provides all kinds of WWW-services at affordable prices. If you are interested in Internet connections in Estonia, polease contact Teleport Ltd., an Internet dial-up and information services provider. These two companies can of course, direct you further to providers who offer the best services to you (direct connections etc). And for those, who think others should make information available for free, whereas they just exploit it without advancing the services available, there is a bitter answer found from USENET. :-)

Your's Sincerely,
Jaak Vilo

© 1994,1995 Jaak Vilo