Genetic Tools

  1. Hyper PCR The hypercard stack is used to determine the optimal annealing temperature for PCR. Developed by Brian Osborne.
  2. Tm - Oligonucleotide Melting Point Determination at U. Minnesota

  3. Poland - Calculate the Thermal Denaturation Profile of Double Stranded RNA or DNA at Uni-Düsseldorf, Germany

  4. STS Pipeline at MIT. Performs duplicate checking, simple sequence repeat finding, vector identification, BLAST searching, and the actual primer picking itself.

  5. Primer 2.2 Primer design. WWW Front End.

  6. Primer A Primer Design Tool at the U. Minnesota

  7. MSA - Multiple Sequence Alignment at Washington U.

  8. Multiple Sequence Alignments - CLUSTAL-W, MAP, and PIMA alignments at Baylor College of Medicine

  9. CLUSTALW - Multiply Sequence Alignments at IBC-Washington U.

  10. LALIGN - Calculates the N-Best Local Alignments Between Two Sequences at EERIE-Nimes, France

  11. ALIGN - Optimal Global Alignment of Two Sequences with No Short-cuts at EERIE-Nimes, France

  12. Align at MIPS, Germany

  13. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool - BLAST

  14. BOXSHADE - Pretty Printing and Shading of Multiple-Sequence Alignments at ISREC, Switzerland

  15. WebLogo - Sequence Logo Generation at Cambridge U., UK

  16. MOTIF - Searching protein sequence motifs

  17. PMOTIF - Search Protein Motifs in Gene Sequence at U. Minnesota

  18. Sequence Translation - Translate Gene Sequences at U. Minnesota
  19. Translate - Translate a Nucleotide Sequence to a Protein at ExPASy, Switzerland
  20. PSORT - Prediction of protein Sorting Signals

  21. FASTA - Compare a Nucleic Acid Sequence to Nucleotide Sequence Databases at EBI, UK

  22. FASTA (Berlin, Vectorbank, etc) at Stanford U.

  23. FASTA at EERIE-Nimes, France

  24. FASTA at CRIHAN, France

  25. TFASTA - Match a Protein Sequence Against All Six Frames of GenBank Sequences at EERIE-Nimes, France

  26. PatScan - Look for Pattern Matches in DNA or Protein Sequences at Argonne National Laboratory

  27. ProfileScan - Search a Sequence Against a Library of Profiles at ISREC, Switzerland

  28. RSVP - Rapid Sequence Visualization in Postscript for Analysis of DNA Sequences at CBIL-U. Pennsylvania

  29. Sequence Translation - Translate Gene Sequences at U. Minnesota

  30. Translate - Translate a Nucleotide Sequence to a Protein at ExPASy, Switzerland

  31. SSEARCH - Universal Sequence Comparison Using the Smith-Waterman Algorithm at EERIE-Nimes, France

  32. BioSCAN - Biological Sequence Comparative Analysis at U. North Caroline
  33. Dot Plot - Compare a DNA Sequence with Itself at U. Minnesota
  34. Grail - Analysis of the Protein Coding Potential of a DNA Sequence at ORNL
  35. PHILIP-Bootstrapping Analysis - Divergence Between Protein or Nucleotide Sequences at Institut Pasteur, France
  36. GenLang - Find Genes and Other Higher-Order Features in Nucleotide Sequences at CBIL - U. Pennsylvania

  37. Codon Usage - Analysis of Different ORFs in a Gene Sequence at U. Minnesota

  38. Gene Finder - Predict Gene Structure, Internal Exons and Splicing Sites in DNA and Exon-Exon Junction in cDNA at Baylor College of Medicine

  39. EMP Metabolic Pathways - Navigation in Metabolic Pathways from MCS-Computational Biology at Argonne National Laboratory

  40. Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools A Collection of WWW Links to information and Services Useful to Molecular Biologists.

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