We now have an
important and useful research tool, and one that I hope we can maintain.
It is in the interest of every anthropology department, and of every
doctoral candidate that their work be as widely known as possible. In
the absence of ongoing funding the currency of the index can only be
maintained by co-operation. Put simply we must ensure that students
send us their thesis abstract (and bibliographic details) on diskette
(or using Email).
Further details on this are available in a separate document .
I do not believe that this is too onerous a requirement these
days and I am firmly convinced that it is in all our interests to
institutionalise procedures for the submission of bibliographic details
in electronic form (as has now been done in Oxford). In the meantime we
can encourage students to send in discs (or use Email) when submitting
their theses - and to inform us when the degree is awarded.
We are now experimenting with a new interface for searching the thesis data.
The old interface is still available here .
David Zeitlyn 10 October 1995. Revised for new interface 14 Feb 1996
Users (using online graphics) since 2nd February 96