Jerry's Home Page

What Others Have Said About Jerome McDonough.

NOTICE -- My World Wide Web Pages are black for 48 hours to protest the Federal Government's apparently willingness to eliminate the First Amendment. Read about it at this WWW page. I encourage those reading this to join the Blue Ribbon Anti-Censorship Campaign.

Howdy. My name's Jerry McDonough. I'm a doctoral student in the School of Information Management & Systems at U.C. Berkeley. My research interests are focused (at the moment) on the integration of sociological methodology (and research within the areas of sociology of knowledge/science) with the design of information systems. I'm particularly interested in how sociology might affect our approaches to HCI and user interface design, and the use of sociological methods to assist in targeting information systems for particular user communities.

I'm currently working on the Cheshire II project for Prof. Ray Larson within the SIMS program (you can check out Ray's home page here). Cheshire II will be an on-line public access catalog with an X-windows GUI, ranked retrieval employing probabilistic search techniques, and full Z39.50 client/server support. I'm also working on bringing MBONE connectivity into SIMS activities, and trying to bring a DEC Alpha to its knees using ray-tracing programs to produce cool graphics.

The photo on the left is my favorite-reason-for-living, Lori, who's slaving on her Ph.D. in the Sociology Dept. at U.C. Davis, and who I've yet to talk into putting up a home page. The photo on the right is Lori during a recent full moon (Werehedgehogs Rule!).

Here's a more recent photo of Lori being pestered by her SO and an emu.

The only other residents in our household are the hell-kittens, Uiskebeatha (remember, it's spelled Uiskebeatha but it's pronounced 'Fuzzilla') and Brickle.

My other Interests include folk music (particularly Celtic -- see the Ceolas celtic music archive for fun stuff), Irish whiskey (preferably in a pub in Ireland -- see Chris Zimmermann's Dublin Pub Review for a good list), and the Majestic North American Bison (picture taken by Eric Geyer [], and yes, he really was that close). I also spend too much time hanging out in Napa Valley (for obvious reasons). Any other spare time is devoted to filling in new links on A Bison's Library of Dreams (a page of stuff of interest to me), The Lost Library of MOO (a page of resources for MOO/MUD/MUSH researchers), the Page of Dreams, and the Web-sters' Net-work Page, devoted to maintaining a list of WWW resources useful to women in the fields of library & information studies, computer science, and information technology generally. Web-sters' Net-work is dedicated to Michael Gorman, editor of the immortal Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (2nd ed.), who is reputed to have observed, "Information science is library science for boys."

Here's what little real publication I've contributed to:

And here's some papers from classes in the SIMS program: And if you really want your brain burnt, here's a copy of the draft of my dissertation proposal.

Jerome P. McDonough:
207C South Hall, School of Information Management & Systems
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California 94720

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