6 AM Pipeline (Coles)
Big ol' heap of musical stew. Mighty tasty!
9 AM The Deep End (Zodiac Iller)
Hardcore and grind with jazz, funk, and rap for flavor.
NOON A Selection of Sandwiches (Yasmin)
Cheese and pickle, cucumber, salmon, tomato, egg.
3 PM Surprise! (Glenn)
Music, mayhem, magic, and the Game of the Week.
6 PM The Xyzzy Show (DJ Plugh)
Pop music now and then...and more!
9 PM Urban Inner City Experience (MSmooth)
Hip-hop...all imperial with MSmooth...true dat.
MID Death Warmed Over (Christine Death)
Death metal, grindcore, oppressive doom, and manic noise.
3 AM DJ Trainee
4:30 AM DJ Trainee