As the Region IV USDOT university transportation center, STC is committed to its mission of training the transportation professionals of the 21st century. During fiscal year 1992-93 that mission became embedded in a new themetransportation safetywhich continues to guide the activities of STC's research and education programs.
In keeping with its new theme, STC sponsored eight research projects during the past two years. These projects reflect important safety issues to both highway and public transportation modes.
In addition to its research program, STC administers a strong education program, grounded chiefly in the activities of three advanced institutes. Vanderbilt University offers graduate students advanced studies in transportation through the Vanderbilt Information Systems in Transportation Academy (VISTA). University of Kentucky offers graduate students advanced studies through its Transportation Management Systems (TMS) program. The Southeast Transportation Safety Institute (STSI) at The University of Tennessee-Knoxville offers graduate students a specialized transportation safety curriculum.
North Carolina A&T State University, co-lead institution for STC and administrator of its education program, has built a strong foundation for all education initiatives emerging from the Center. A regional internship program introduces undergraduate and graduate students to public and private sector career opportunities. Each year, NCA&T also hosts the Summer High School Transportation Institute, introducing high school seniors to the field of transportation and its various disciplines.
Education Programs
- Critical Issues Forum I: Innovative Financing for Transportation Facilities
- Critical Issues Forum II: Transportation Safety
- Roundtable Meeting of the Southeastern Consortium of University Transportation Centers
- Summer High School Transportation Institute
- Regionwide Internship Program
- Assessment of Crime Against Taxi Drivers and the Effectiveness of Countermeasures
- Dr. John R. Stone, North Carolina State University
- Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Safety
- Dr. Arun Chatterjee, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Identifying Hazardous Locations Using GIS
- Dr. Gary S. Spring, North Carolina A&T State University
- Analysis of the Perception of Personal Safety on Public Transit
- Dr. Julian M. Benjamin, NCA&T
- Ceramic Road Striping Materials
- Dr. Charles Beatty, University of Florida
- Innovative Traffic Control Devices to Improve Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety
- Dr. Joseph Hummer, NCSU
- Analysis of the Choice by African Americans to Use Seat Belts
- Dr. Julian Benjamin, NCA&T
- Potential for Increased Use of Intermodal Freight Transportation to Reduce Highway Accidents/Fatalities Involving Commercial Motor Vehicles
- Dr. Arun Chatterjee, UT-Knoxville
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