Anna M. Nalevanko, Program Director
With a growing national emphasis on multimodal approaches to transportation, public transit has been receiving more attention and consideration as a viable mode choice within the broader transportation network.
Public transportation systems will be enhanced with the addition of technological innovations to increase operational efficiencies and to make transit more attractive to the public. ITRE's Public Transportation Program has recognized the need for continued research in advanced public transportation (APTS) technologies and accordingly, has focused much of its research efforts in this direction.
This program area continues to collaborate with University of North Carolina system professors to bring in the range and depth of expertise required for its various projects. ITRE also continues to work in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Transportation Public Transportation Division (NCDOT/PTD) toward the common goal of increased efficiencies and ridership in North Carolina transit operations.
Project Highlights
- Mobility Manager System
- Winston-Salem Transit Authority
- Federal Transit Administration
- The system implementation phase for the demand-response Mobility Manager system at the Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA) is underway. The purpose of this national demonstration project is to design and implement a transit management system to integrate and automate operations functions (i.e., dispatching, scheduling, recordkeeping) for both paratransit and fixed-route service at WSTA.
The project will provide an operational test-bed for computerized dispatch and related technologies, such as digital communications, automatic vehicle location (AVL) technologies, and electronic fare card media. Research is also being conducted on algorithms and mathematical optimization models.
- Urban Transit Assistance Program
- The Urban Transit Assistance Program (UTAP) began in January 1994 for the purpose of providing user defined assistance in management, operations, and technology to the 18 fixed-route operations in North Carolina. The program's activities for its first six months included: site visits, preparation of The UTAP Resource Manual, UTAP News and UTAP Alert, and the development of work program items for UTAP and NCDOT/PTD.
- Paratransit Scheduling and Dispatching Options for Capital Metro, Austin Texas
- Capital Metro Transportation Authority, Austin, Texas
- Assessment of Computer Equipment and Training Needs
- Apprenticeship and Internship Programs
- Evaluation of Scheduling/Routing Software
- Public Entrepreneurs Roundtable
- International Taxicab and Livery Association
- Economic Impacts of Short-Line Rail
- Halifax County Transportation Study: Smart Start Partnership
- Halifax County
Education Programs
PTI TechTrans Conference: Scheduling/Routing Software
Operations Planning Seminar
ADA Planning Issues Workshop
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