Electric Differential Multimedia Laboratory

Department of Radiology, University of Iowa College of Medicine

Laboratory Directors

Laboratory Manager

Project Assistant

Graphics Technician


Technical Consultant

Additional Staff

Mission Statement

The Electric Differential Multimedia Laboratory in the Department of Radiology at The University of Iowa College of Medicine was formed in 1991. The lab has four missions:

  1. To perform research and development into the design of electronic learning tools
  2. To create functional examples of these electronic learning tools
  3. To evaluate these electronic learning tools in a University medical setting, and
  4. To collaborate with our colleagues so that we may move rapidly forward in the field of medical informatics and medical education.

We will eventually create examples of our multimedia textbooks (MMTBs) that can be accessed on handheld CD-ROM players, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA's) and the Internet. We are also involved in the formal evaluation and validation of MMTBs as learning tools. We believe that medical information should be widely available and are therefore translating our MMTBs to multiple languages.

Electric Differential Multimedia Laboratory Bibliography

D'Alessandro, M.P., Galvin, J.R., Erkonen, W.E., Albanese, M.A., Michaelsen, V.E., Huntley, J.S., McBurney, R.M., Easley, G. 1993. The Instructional Effectiveness of a Radiology Multimedia Textbook (Hyperlung) versus a Standard Lecture. Invest. Radiol.28:643-648.

D'Alessandro, M.P., Galvin, J.R., Erkonen, W.E., Santer, D.M., Huntley, J.S., McBurney, R.M., Easley, G. 1993. The Dawn of Electronic Publishing in Radiology: A Personal Approach to the Creation of Multimedia Textbooks. AJR161:187-91.

D'Alessandro, M.P., Ackerman, M.J., Sparks, S.M. 1993. Educational Technology Network: A Computer Conferencing System Dedicated to Applications of Computers in Radiology Practice, Research and Education. Jour Dig Imaging6:237-40.

Santer, D.M., Huntley, J.S., D'Alessandro, M.P. Computerized Multimedia Textbooks: An Instructional Design Approach.

Stanford, W., Erkonen, W.E., Cassell, M.D., Moran, B.D., Albanese, M.A., Carris, R., Easley, G. 1994. Evaluation of computer based program in teaching cardiac anatomy. Invest. Radiol. 29:248-52.

Galvin, J.R., D'Alessandro, M.P., Erkonen, W.E., Lacey, D.L., Santer, D.M. 1994. The Virtual Hospital: A Link Between Academia and Practitioners (Letter to the Editor). Acad. Med. 69:130.

Santer, D.M., D'Alessandro, M.P., Huntley, J.S., Erkonen, W.E., Galvin, J.R. 1994. The Multimedia Textbook-A Revolutionary Tool for Pediatric Education. Arch. Pediatr. Adolesc. Med.148:711.

Galvin, J.R., D'Alessandro, M.P., Erkonen, W.E., Knutson, T.A., Lacey, D.L. 1994. The Virtual Hospital: A New Paradigm for Lifelong Learning in Radiology. Radiographics 14:875-79.

D'Alessandro, M.P., Lacey, D.L., Galvin, J.R., Erkonen, W.E., Santer, D.M. The Networked Multimedia Textbook: A Techinique for the Global Distribution of Radiology Multimedia Information Across the Internet. AJR (in press).

Erkonen, W.E., D'Alessandro, M.P., Galvin, J.R., Albanese, M.A., Michaelsen, V.E. A Longitudinal Compaarison of Multimedia Textbook Instruction to a Lecture in Radiology Education. Acad. Radiol. (in press).

Galvin, J.R., D'Alessandro, M.P., Kurihara, Y., Erkonen, W.E., Knutson, T.A., Lacey, D.L. Distributing a Ubiquitous Thoracic Imaging Teaching File Using the Internet, Mosaic, and Personal Computers. AJR 1995;164:475-8.

D'Alessandro M.P., Galvin, J.R., Santer, D.M., Erkonen, W.E. 1995. Hand-held Digital Books in Radiology for Convenient Access to Information. AJR 164:485-488.

Santer, D.M., Erkonen, W.E., Michaelsen, V.E., D'Alessandro, M.P. Medical Students' Attitudes Towards Computers and Computers and Computer Based Education. (in submission).

Santer, D.M., Woodhead, J., Winter, R., Erkonen, W.E., Michaelson, V.E., D'Alessandro, M.P., Galvin, J.R. Comparison of Mulitmedia Textbook, Lecture and Printed Book. (in submission).

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File last updated: December 07, 1995