Music Machines is devoted to information about music-making machines: synthesizers, drum machines, effects, and so on. We lean toward true synthesists' electronic tools rather than acoustic instruments or preset sound boxes. Here you'll find images, descriptions, reviews, schematics, do-it-yourself tips, pricelists, and general discussions about using electronic musical equipment.
Services: What synth is right for you?, Addressbook [new]
Basics: Manufacturers, Categories, Everything, Search, Specs
Specifics: Images, Samples, Software, Schematics, Mods, Patches
Random: Highlights, Addressbook, Do-It-Yourself, Unsorted, Uploaded
Music Machines is entirely based upon contributions from knowledgeable net-musicians and gearheads. Submissions are always welcome. For more information, mail me.
I'd like to acknowledge the many people who have helped make Music Machines possible.