Art Wolfe, Inc.


Internationally acclaimed nature photographer Art Wolfe has assembled these two learning aids which offer the novice and aspiring professional tips, techniques and creative insights into photographing nature subjects. Recognized for his exceptional photographs of animals and landscapes alike, Art Wolfe is featured in countless magazines around the world such as National Geographic, Smithsonian, Natural History, Audubon, Time, Outside, Newsweek, and Geo. He is also host for American Photo Magazine's Safari on ESPN.

The Art Of Photographing Nature is designed, written and presented specifically as an instructional aid and was written in collaboration with renowned photo editor Martha Hill who was at Audubon for fourteen years. Covering nine major topics; Isolating the Subject, Composing the Picture, Defining your Perspective, The Power of Color, The Elements of Design, Reading the Light, Creative Options, In the Field With Art Wolfe, and At the Editing Table With Martha Hill, this book will be an invaluable tool and reference to anyone wanting to improve their photo technique.


On Location VHS This award winning tape offers a unique blend of education and adventure as Art photographs bears, goats, and timber wolves in Alaska's Denali National Park and Kenai Peninsula. Demonstrating a wide range of practical and creative techniques while photographing these animals in their natural habitat, Art offers a rare one-on-one workshop approach to teaching the craft.

SPECIAL INTERNET OFFER: Get both the book and tape for $54.95

SHIPPING CHARGES & TERMS: United States: Sent via UPS ground or priority mail add $4.75 per order. Canada or Mexico: Sent via surface mail add $7.75 per order. Overseas: Sent via surface mail add $10.00 per order. For other shipment arrangements please contact us direct via fax or phone.

PAYMENT: We accept checks, money orders, visa and mastercard. All payments must be made in US funds.

TO ORDER: Mail or fax to:

We also have a catalog of books, posters and camera packs.

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Images and Text Copyright 1995 Art Wolfe

Copyright 1995 Branch Information Services