If your world seems a little fuzzy... Perhaps we can clear things up

You Could Have Truly Improved Eyesight

If you are nearsighted or astigmatic, you owe it to yourself to find out if you're seeing as well as you possibly can. One of several refractive procedures, including RK and ALK, could mean the difference between the eyesight you have today and truly improved eyesight.

Refractive procedures are designed to actually improve your eyes - not just assist them. More people than you can imagine are seeing better today because of refractive treatment. And, since the procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, you could b back home and seeing better before you know it.

To get the facts and find out if refractive treatment may be right for you, call the Alliance For Clear Vision; a nationwide association of ophthalmologists performing refractive procedures.

When you call our toll-free number, you will be automatically forwarded to a nearby member ophthalmic practice that can help you determine if you are a candidate. Call today.

Because you deserve to see as well as you can... Naturally!

The Alliance for Clear Vision


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244 West 54th St
Suite 705
New York, NY 10019

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