Conlin - Faber Travel ... P.O. Box 1207 ... Ann Arbor, MI
1-800-426-6546, 1-313-677-0900, Fax 313-677-0901
It's OK on the internet, but now try the real thing!
Sandy, our Cruise specialist, has sailed on most of the major cruise
lines and knows them all. Because of her first hand experience on most
ships and many destinations she can provide the best advice on which
ships to choose to fit each budget and the best choices for each
...and always at the very lowest discounted rates. Because of our size
we are able to offer discounts on every major cruise line.
Before booking a cruise, get Sandy's advice and check our rates. You'll
be pleased.
1-800-426-6546 Ask for Sandy
In addition, we offer:
travel guides. An Example.
Cruise Discount Notification Mailing
Vacation Home and Condo Rentals
Other things of interest:
Foreign currency exchange rates
The National Weather Service (big)
Conlin-Faber Travel Company Profile
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