This document consists of separate sections. You may either read through the entire document, or you can jump directly to any of the following sections below by clicking on them.
AgriGator pages have been tested with NCSA Mosaic 2.0, Netscape Navigator 1.22, and VMS Lynx 2.4. Many pages make use of tables.
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Users of Mosaic or other graphics programs will see pictures, buttons, and boxes. Users of text-based programs (such as LYNX) will only see text descriptions in place of the graphics.
While not everyone may be using a mouse, the term "click" will be used as the generic term to mean "select" in whatever means your program provides.
The IFAS AgriGator has two types of clickable items:
Buttons. One or more of these will appear at the bottom of a page:
This button will bring you to the University of Florida's home page.
This button will bring you to the IFAS home page.
This button will always return you to the AgriGator's home page.
This button will bring you to the page that contains information about the managers of the IFAS AgriGator.
This button always brings up the page you are reading now.
Boxes. These are items such as maps, where you can click on a part of the map to see local information. You must be using a graphical viewer to be able to click on a section of a map.
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All web pages with a "Contact" button at the bottom of the page, with an e-mail address of "wwweb@WWW.IFAS.UFL.EDU", are received by us, the friendly managers of the IFAS web server, and managers of the pages with the word "AgriGator" in the title. We'll gladly answer questions about the server and AgriGator, take suggestions for improving the pages, and fix and add links. As for the ag stuff, you'll probably want to talk with the real people who actually studied the subject you're interest in. We've tried to help you find them by providing the information that follows...
Further information on a subject
We just manage our World Wide Web server, we don't have agricultural information at our site, except for the notices about when our offices will be sprayed for ants. Please contact the specific department that covers the subject you have a question about.
E-mail addresses
Both the University of Florida's online directory and IFAS' online directory are available. If an e-mail address isn't provided for someone, you will have to use postal mail, because what you see is the most recent information available (in other words, you're looking at the actual databases, not just duplicates made for Web use).
Admission information/course information
We maybe have a 1977 course catalog in a closet somewhere. You'll get more recent information if you look at these sites:
How to grow something
We can't even grow weeds correctly, so you'll want someone who knows better. In the U.S., every county in every state has a Cooperative Extension Service that provides free agricultural information. They have access to specialists, can reference national information, can provide publications, and are very knowledgeable about local agricultural concerns. The phone number may be found in your phone book in the government offices section for your county, under "Cooperative Extension Services."
Import/export laws
The only law we know is "red means stop; green means go." Otherwise, every country has a main agricultural department (for example, in the U.S. it's the USDA) that you can contact for information about laws and research.
Research information
We've got plenty of data here on Peanuts -- the comic strip. For all other ag areas, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service office, an IFAS research center, or your local library which can reference national research information and point you in the right direction.
Diagnosing a problem
After a day in the computer basement, we have a problem figuring out what that "glowing, yellow ball in the sky" is. You should contact your local Cooperative Extension Service office instead -- these folks can answer your questions.
Pages with link/content errors
If it's our page, we'll fix it; if it's someone else's in IFAS, we'll forward the information on to them. (Please provide the http: reference to the page, otherwise we have no way of knowing which one you mean.)
Finding something on the web
While we're still looking for the "Any Key" on our keyboards, please check out the efficient search tools provided by the AgriGator home page.
Now, if you think there is some IFAS information that should be made available on the Web but currently isn't, and you don't know who to e-mail the message to, send it to us, and we'll forward your request to the appropriate department.
Phone numbers
The phone number for general UF information is (352) 392-3261. For general IFAS information, call (352) 392-1971.
Also note: Most phone numbers in the Alachua county area (including Gainesville) had their area code changed in December 1995 from 904 to 352. The transitional period (where 904 still works) ends about May 1996. If you have trouble calling a phone number in these areas after the transition period, the page manager may not have updated the area code information, so try 352 instead, and if it works, please contact the page manager so the information is updated for other Web users.
Regards, /^^^^\ \ /^^\________/0 \ \ AgriGator Swamp Central ( `~+++,,_____,,++~^^^^^^^^ ==\== --------------------------'^'^v^V^V^V^\-------------------------------- '' WWWEB@WWW.IFAS.UFL.EDU(Return to this document's contents list.)