
LAB Work

Meet and greet others in real time on any Web page. Take new acquaintances on tours of your favorite Web sites as you chat. Join fellow X-Philes and watch your favorite show together while you chat about it on an X-Files site. Or view a slideshow of the Mekong Delta with synchronized sound narration. Or use the Web to make free long distance phone calls to your friends anywhere the Web reaches. The future? No, the present. In The Lab, the edge of Web technology.

Need a Laugh

[*] CONFERENCING has come to the Web, allowing you to communicate in groups over time in deep conversations about endless topics. We've collected some working examples of this many-to-many technology for you to check out. In most cases you'll be asked to register to participate but you may find it worthwhile to meet and converse with other Web travelers about Web content, literature, nature, sports... you name it.

[*] WOMENS' HISTORY MONTH is happening now. Over the next three weeks we will present interviews with experts on the subject, beginning with Mary Ruthsdotter of the National Women's History Project.

[*] SPIDER OR FLY? "Are we taking responsibility for the technological future? That is, are we trapped in the Web or are we masters of it?" Those are the questions being posed by O'Reilly and Associates and the NetFuture newsletter in a contest offering $5,000 in prize money for the best answers. There is still time to enter. Check out the details.

[*] WE COLLECT HOME PAGE LINKS in a place we call Alphabet City. Let the rest of us know about you by adding your own home page.

[*] IF YOU NEED TO BUILD A HOME PAGE you can make use of GNN's simple tutorial or, for GNN members only, download the do-it-yourself personal publishing software, GNNpress.

[*] FIND SOMEONE COMPATIBLE using a system, a tool, a near perfect method for describing and connecting with the kind of person you're looking for. Register for Match.Com, a sophisticated private and secure online matchmaking service.

[*] THE VISIONS ARCHIVES contain interviews with people whose visions for using the Net have made a difference. Some of these people you may have heard of, and some you may not have. But they are all making their marks on how the Net is used and how it will be used in the future.

Please send your suggestions, ideas, and requests for changes to your home page profiles to Netizens.

[GNNpress]Publish your own home page using GNNpress!
[Match.Com]Match.Com Online Matchmaking -- "We Met on the Net!"
Join tens of thousands of members who are successfully using Match.Com to find their perfect match!

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