Concepts of Information Retrieval, LIS 385T.6 - Spring 1996, Dr. Ruth Palmquist
Introduction to Internet Resources and Services, LIS 341
Introduction to Library and Information Science, LIS 386.1 - Fall 1995, Dr. Sanda Erdelez
Information Resources in Business, LIS 382L.19 - Fall 1995, Dr. Sanda Erdelez
Microcomputers in Managing Information, LIS 384K.13 - Fall 1995, Dr Ron Wyllys
Systems Analysis and Evaluation, LIS 387.5 - Fall 1995, Dr. Ron Wyllys
Microcomputers in Managing Information, LIS 384K.13 - Fall 1995, Dr. Ron Wyllys
Generalized Programming and Data Structures, LIS 385T.18 - Fall 1995, Dr. Ron Wyllys and Andrew Donohoe
Image Processing and Management, LIS 384 - Spring 1995, Susan Cisco
Research Methods in Library and Information Science, LIS 397.1 - Spring 1995, Dr. Ruth Palmquist
Database Management Principles and Applications, LIS 384K.11 - Spring 1995, Dr. Ron Wyllys
Conservation Materials Chemistry, LIS 393 - Hal Erickson, Fall 1994 and Spring 1995
Modern Information Retrieval, LIS 386.12 - Dr. Ron Wyllys