The ExPASy Logo Page

by Nicolas Guex
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ExPASy logo

click in the image to look at a 700 x 875 logo (172Kb jpeg)

The ExPASy logo took about 10 hours to be rendered as an antialiased 1400 x1750 image with Bryce Canyon running on a 8100/80 Macintosh.

Creation Details

First, contour lines of the Matterhorn/Cervin/Cervino were traced from a 1:25000 map of the Zermatt region. The mountain was then created by "skinning" of the contour lines with Strata-Studio Pro and exported as a 3D DXF object into DeepView which computed a grayscale-depth image that was imported into Bryce Canyon, where it was used as a template for the creation of the mountain. The same operations were repeated with the text of the logo.
The final scene composition, texture tweaking and rendering were performed with Bryce Canyon.

ExPASy stereogram

click in the image to look at a 600 x 600 stereogram (244Kb gif)

The Stereogram took about 7 seconds to be rendered as a 800 x800 image with DeepView running on a 8100/80 Macintosh.

Creation Details

The 3D DXF-Objects used to create the ExPASy logo were imported into DeepView which computed a stereogram by deforming a texture that was created with Photoshop. The texture was obtained by blending several layers (two color gradients, two layers containing amino-acids rendered with RasMol, and one layer containing a repetitive texture generated with the help of several Photoshop filters).


These images do not reflect my employer's point of view about art, and my employer has nothing to do with them, since they were created during my spared time.

Last modified 29/Jan/1996 by ELG
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