Training course in two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for academics

Due to the growing interest in 2-D PAGE technology we are now organizing every three months a one week course in 2-D PAGE.

The course will consist in a full training covering all theoretical and practical aspects of 2-D PAGE technology, including analytical and preparative 2-D PAGE techniques, as well as computer analysis.

University Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Next courses:
  1. Monday, October 16 to Friday, October 20, 1995 (FULL)
  2. Monday, March 11 to Friday, March 15, 1996
Provisional program.
Registration Fee:
Sfr. 500.- (approx. US$ 370.-)
To register, please fill out the registration form or send e-mail or fax to Jean-Charles Sanchez mentioning course dates, name, address, phone and fax numbers.
For more information:
Contact Jean-Charles Sanchez.

Important note:
This course is exclusively intended for members of academic institutions. A separate course is being organized for commercial companies. Please contact Jean-Charles Sanchez for information on the training course for non-academic institutions.

Gels run during the courses
The gels produced during the courses are available on the ExPASy server.

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