Aviation Computer Science Classes Offered in Fall 95

ClassDescriptionProfessorDaysTimeRoomHoursMax. Students
CS101-01 Intro to Keyboard Crawford M 1145 1250C-411 1 20
CS101-02 Intro to Keyboard Crawford T 1115 1215C-411 1 20
CS106-01 Intro to Internet Shook M 1145 1250LB228 1 30
CS109-01 Intro. to Computers Staff MWF 1300 1400LB228 3 30
CS109-02 Intro. to Computers Staff MWF 1030 1130LB228 3 30
CS109-03 Intro. to Computers Staff MWF 1415 1515LB228 3 30
CS109-04 Intro. to Computers Waterhouse MW 1800 1925LB228 3 30
CS109-05 Intro. to Computers Staff TR 0815 0930LB228 3 30
CS109-06 Intro. to Computers Staff TR 0945 1100LB228 3 30
CS109-07 Intro. to Computers Staff TR 1545 1700LB228 3 30
CS109-08 Intro. to Computers Staff TR 1715 1830LB228 3 30
CS109-09R Intro. to Computers Staff MWF 0800 0900LB228 3 30
CS111-01 Spreadsheet Vandagriff M 1645 1750LB228 1 30
CS112-01 Database Shook W 1145 1245LB228 1 30
CS113-01 Desktop Publishing Vandagriff W 1645 1745LB228 1 30
CS114-01 Presentation Graphic Shook F 1145 1245LB228 1 30
CS115-01 Comp. Programming I Towhidnejad MWF 0915 1015SH2 3 30
CS115-02 Comp. Programming I Towhidnejad MWF 1145 1245SH2 3 30
CS115-03 Comp. Programming I Towhidnejad MWF 1300 1400SH2 3 30
CS117-01 Computer Configurati Cosgrove TR 1415 1530LB228 3 30
CS117-02R Computer Configurati Staff TR 1115 1230LB228 3 30
CS118-01 Fundementals of Comp Sarchet MWF 0915 1015LB228 3 30
CS206-01 End User Computing A Waterhouse TR 1415 1530SH1 3 30
CS207-01 Network Based Comput Cosgrove TR 1245 1400LB228 3 30
CS210-01 Scientific Prog-Fort Rogers MWF 0915 1015SH1 3 35
CS211-01 Organization I Staff TR 0945 1100SH1 3 35
CS211-02 Organization I Staff TR 1115 1230SH1 3 35
CS211-03R Organization I Staff MWF 0800 0900SH1 3 35
CS215-01 Comp. Programming II Hilburn TR 0945 1100SH2 3 30
CS215-02 Comp. Programming II Hilburn TR 1415 1530SH2 3 30
CS215-03R Comp. Programming II Staff TR 0815 0930SH2 3 30
CS222-01 Intro to Discrete St Syu MWF 1300 1400SH1 3 35
CS222-02 Intro to Discrete St Syu MWF 1415 1515SH1 3 35
CS223-01 Scientific Prog-C Syu MWF 1030 1130SH2 3 35
CS223-02 Scientific Prog-C Sarchet MWF 1415 1515SH2 3 35
CS223-03 Scientific Prog-C Kornecki TR 0815 0930LB162 3 35
CS223-04 Scientific Prog-C Sarchet TR 1415 1530LB162 3 35
CS223-05 Scientific Prog-C Rogers MWF 1415 1515LB162 3 35
CS223-06 Scientific Prog-C Rogers MWF 1030 1130LB162 3 35
CS308-01 Applications Practic Waterhouse MW 1530 1655SH1 3 10
CS311-01 Computer Organization II Zalewski MWF 1030 1130LB162 3 30
CS311-02R Computer Organization II Staff MWF 0800 0900LB162 3 30
CS315-01 Data Structures Rogers TR 1115 1230LB162 3 30
CS317-01 Files & Database Syu MWF 0915 1015IC201 3 30
CS335-01 Computer Graphics Rogers TR 0945 1100LB162 3 30
CS344-01 C & Unix Zalewski MWF 0915 1015LB162 3 30
CS344-02 C & Unix Zalewski MWF 1300 1400LB162 3 30
CS350-01 Modeling & Simulation Kornecki TR 1115 1230SH2 3 30
CS350-02 Modeling & Simulation Kornecki TR 1415 1530B509 3 30
CS470-01 Computer Architecture Staff TR 1545 1700LB162 3 30