(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Publishers at UT Austin are encouraged to send
announcements of their important additions, which will be added to What's
New, UT Austin.
What's new, UT Austin
- (13 March 96) List and description of major additions to Web
Central. Some publishers at UT Austin maintain separate lists.
What's good, UT Austin
- Awards, recognition, and comments that the Web at UT Austin has received.
What's new, Web Texas
- (20 January 96) List and description of additions to Web Texas.
What's new, World Lecture Hall
- (10 March 96) List and description of additions to the World
Lecture Hall.
What's new, U.S. Universities and Community Colleges
- (7 March 96) List of additions to the Universities and Community
Colleges pages.
What's new, worldwide
- (updated every weekday) Master list of announcements of new
activities in Web worldwide. Maintained by GNN for NCSA.
What's new in Web Commercial, worldwide
- (updated every few days) List of announcements of new activities in
commercial Web sites worldwide. Maintained by Open Market, Inc. Most of the
announcements here also appear in GNN's list.
What's new on Yahoo
- (updated daily) Yahoo is an index of the Web with thousands of
entries. Hundreds are added daily.
New & Good | Search | Kaleidoscope | Students | Academics
Research | Library | Administrative | Computing | Athletics
Alumni | People | Web Texas | World | Learning Web
TeamWeb at UT Austin
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