hide random home http://www.wmo.ch/web/ftpinfo.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

Welcome to the FTP server of the World Meteorological Organization

Services and files available

In-boxReceiving area for files intended for a department of the World Meteological Organization. (For example, store files intended for the World Weather Watch in the directory: /In-box/To-www ). You should notify the receiving department (via phone, fax or e-mail) that files have been delivered.
DocumentsFiles available from the WMO grouped by department. (For example, GCOS files can be found in the directory: Documents/gcos)
Model-verification Monthly and annual reports of model verification statistics reported by centres around the world. Currently reporting:Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the ECMWF.
wmo-ddbsTest site for the WMO Distributed Databases project. ASCII files and documentation on formats for:
Pub 9 Volume A - Weather Reporting - Observing Stations
Pub 9 Volume C - Weather Reporting - Transmissions
Pub 47 - International List of Voluntary Observing Ships
Operational Newsletter