(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
WMO Statements
- November 6, 1995 WMO Secretary-General's Statement on the Occasion of the International Forum on Forecasting El Niño : Launching an International Research Institute (Washington, D.C.)
- October 9, 1995 WMO Secretary-General's Contributions at TELECOM 95 FORUM STRATEGIES SUMMIT, Session 19: Telecom Features - New Paradigm for Products and Service Development (Geneva)
- Mar 28, 1995 WMO Secretary-General's
Statement at the First Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Berlin)
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- Mar 23, 1995 WMO Secretary-General
issues WORLD METEOROLOGICAL DAY 1995 message on the theme "Public Weather
Services" (Geneva)
WMO Announcements
- December 4, 1995 Abstract of the lecture on:
World Meteorological Organization(WMO) on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Austria Conference Centre, Vienna, 4 December 1995.
WMO Press Releases
- March 22, 1996 WMO Secretary-General issues message on the occasion of 1996 World Day for Water. (WMO#583)
- December 11, 1995 WMO Secretary-General says scientific evidence on global climate change is a warning to humanity. (WMO#582)
- December 8, 1995 Switzerland and WMO sign agreement to provide low-cost satellite equipment to thirty countries. (WMO#581)
- November 28, 1995 Scientific evidence confirms continuous depletion of the ozone layer - Ozone hole event of 1995 the longest on record. (WMO#580)
- November 14, 1995 Consensus reached on launching of initiative to forecast EL Nino - U.S. initiative to build on existing WMO infrastructures for climate prediction and services. (WMO#579)
- October 16, 1995 WMO Secretary-General congratulates scientists on receiving the Nobel prize for Chemistry - Recognition for their work on ozone depletion praised. (WMO#578)
- October 11, 1995 WMO Secretary-General issues message on the occasion of the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction (WMO#577)
- September 12, 1995 Rapid Ozone Decline over the Antarctic. (WMO#576)
- June 21, 1995 World Meteorological Congress reaches consensus on global exchange of meteorological data and products. (WMO#573)
- June 17, 1995 WMO Secretary-General issues message on first global observance of World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. (WMO#572)
- June 15, 1995 World Meteorological Congress elects new members of the WMO Executive Council. (WMO#571)
- June 13, 1995 WMO Congress elects Dr J.W. Zillman (Australia) as president, and Mr C.E. Berridge (British Caribbean Territories), Dr D. Sen Roy (India) and Mr M. Bautista-Perez (Spain) as Vice presidents. (WMO#570)
- June 9, 1995 Re-election of the WMO Secretary General. (WMO#569)
- June 1, 1995 Twelfth World Meteorological Congress opens in Geneva. (WMO#568)
- May 29, 1995 Meteohytec 21, the International Conference on
Meteorology and Hydrological Technology and its Management, ended
its five-day meeting last Friday, urging national Meteorological
and Hydrological Services to put more emphasis on determining their
needs to acquire modern, high technologies based on long-term
requirements rather than on short-term demands. (WMO#567)
- May 24, 1995 The twelfth session of
the World Meteorological Congress, the supreme body of the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO), will meet in Geneva from 30
May to 21 June 1995. (WMO#566)
- Apr 11, 1995 WMO holds Donors' Conference
for Newly Independent States and other New Members of the Organization (WMO#564)
- Mar 28, 1995 WMO Secretary-General calls
for Quick Action to Deal with Potential Threats of Global Warming and Climate Change
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- Mar 24, 1995 WMO and the World Bank to
Sign $1.7 Million Project to Improve Water Resources in the Mediterranean (WMO#562)
- Mar 22, 1995 WMO Secretary-General issues
WORLD WATER DAY 1995 message - Stresses important link between Women and Water
- Mar 07, 1995 WMO Issues Summary of the
State of the Global Climate During 1994 (WMO#561)
- Mar 03, 1995 WMO Signs US$7 Million
Project with Romania to Help Modernize its Aeronautical Service (WMO#560)
- Feb 27, 1995 Commission for Agricultural
Meteorology Ends Eleventh Session (WMO#559)