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50 Greatest Conspiracies
Rant No. 26

Wacky Pat!

The Rant So Nutty, Even
Pat Buchanan Couldn't Deal With It

Editor's Excuse: First appearing in a right-wing Christian rag-a-rama called Media Bypass ('cuz it bypasses the mainstream media -- get it?), the following fulmination also appeared for a while on the official Web site of one Pat Buchanan, presidential aspirant. The rant, as you will see, basically accuses Hillary Clinton of working for the Mossad. Seeing how Israel, its intelligence agencies, Jews in general and even the Holocaust have long seemed to bother Buchanan, it was only natural that the presence on his site of the screed below was interpreted as yet another in a string of anti-Semitic statements and acts by the former CNN talking head, who relented and removed the piece from his site. We, on the other hand, see it as a chance to have a good laugh at Pat's expense.

The controversy is, however, worth reading about and is well documented by the Jewish Communication Network. For your convenience, we also suggest you also peruse more bad stuff about Pat. In the interests of either fairness or sheer insanity, it may also pay to examine Media Bypass. If nothing else, it's a source of great videos. We're particularly enamored of the "Pagan Invasion" series of tapes, which includes such titles as Halloween: Trick or Treat? ("Is Halloween a harmless, innocent holiday, or is it rooted in the occultic world of witchcraft and Satanism?"), Meditation: Pathway to Deception? and our favorite, Doorways to Satan, which ponders the timeless question, "Why have Americans developed an insatiable lust for sex, violence, and perversion?" Let's ask Pat! When he's not too busy dodging bullets stamped "Made in Israel."

© Media Bypass - December 1995

The preceding rant was edited for space and to cut out a lot of stuff that you've probably heard before. But go ahead and see what you're missing.

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