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Application Resources Information Services

Providing a complete range of Internet services for companies and individuals.

Let us connect you

ARIS, Inc. provides two general classes of Internet services: those that provide access to Internet services for individuals and organizations and those that provide organizations with an Internet presence that others can access.
Application Resources Consulting Services
Application Resources Software

If your company wants to advertise or sell products via the World Wide Web or provide Internet access to its employees at their desktop, let us connect you.

If you want your own high speed connection to the largest information resource on the planet, let us connect you.

ARIS helps you see the world

  • High speed 28.8Kb V.34 modems on all dial-up lines.
  • Full Internet access including Web browsing for both PC and Mac users.
  • Easy to use software available.
  • Use all Internet services: telnet, ftp, gopher, archie, www, and wais, etc.
  • Graphical software runs under MS Windows or Apple Macintosh.
  • SLIP, PPP or login access
  • 800 number provides easy access to Email while on the road.
  • Use popular software packages like Netscape and Eudora.
  • Full uncensored news feed.
  • Helpful sales and support staff.
  • Credit card billing simplifies payment.
  • Personal web pages.
  • Co-op marketing programs for business.

    ARIS helps you be seen by the world

  • Web pages built, installed and managed.
  • Custom cgi-bin programs built and maintained.
  • Fail-soft Web farm with multi-provider access to the Internet.
  • On-line credit card validation and charging.
  • T1, or better, connectivity to servers.
  • Leased lines available at speeds from 56Kbaud to T1 data rates.
  • ISDN BRI connections to your site.
  • Netscape Commerce Servers.
  • Email Infobots.
  • Mailing list servers.
  • FTP servers.
  • Training and Internet consulting services.
  • Helpful sales and support staff.

  • Internet access services

    This section covers access; provider services are covered below.

    Dialup menu--email & news

    The most basic access service provides a dialup connection that can be used with a terminal emulator and affords access to Internet email and news services through a menu interface.

    Dialup menu--full internet access

    If email and news are not enough to slake your thirst for the Internet then you can have ``full'' internet access with this service. Service includes basic access, defined above, plus FTP, telnet, lynx and Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

    Dialup UNIX shell prompt

    For the more intrepid Infonaut ARI provides a UNIX shell prompt level of service that gives access to the entire UNIX environment.

    Dialup serial IP (SLIP/PPP)

    For full Internet directly from your own machine ARI offers serial IP connections over dialup lines at speeds up to 28.8K baud ( modem speed) using PPP or SLIP. This services provides access to the entire range of facilities on the Internet without having an intervening host: your machine becomes an Internet node.

    UUCP connection

    UUCP provides a dialup connection for other UNIX hosts as well as PC that are capable of running the UUCP protocol. This service is useful for organizations who already have UNIX systems and would like to provide Internet email and limited file transfer capabilities to their users.

    1-800 dialup connections

    ARI provides 1-800 numbers that can be used in combination with any of the dial-up services offered. This service is extremely convenient for people on the road and the rates are competitive.

    Email to Pager connections

    A novel feature that can be added to the ARI Internet suite of services is the ability for your pager to be set off when an email arrives for you. Either a digital notification or an alpha message (for those pagers that accept alpha) constructed from the subject line of the email can be sent.

    Provider services

    In addition to providing access to the Internet for individuals and organizations Application Resources provides services to organizations needing a presence on the net. These include:

    FTP servers

    ARI will install and maintain a File Transfer (FTP) server so that clients, customers or other interested Internet users can get files provided by your organization. Typical file types might include demonstration programs, on-line documentation, bug fixes, white papers and so on. Internet users can also be provided with facilities to drop off files on the server. Traces and dumps for diagnostic purposes are one kind of file that could be deposited by a customer.

    Web servers

    The World Wide Web is much-touted integration of the Internet into a single seamless hypertext link web of servers. ARI provides our clients a window onto the Web. Services provided include setup and maintenance of a web server, creation of information pages using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), working with your advertizing and public relations firms to create logos, incorporate graphics and in general to create an Internet identity for your organization.

    Email infobots

    In all stages of the sales cycle there are back and forth exchanges (e.g., data sheets, request for ordering information, etc.) that often can be automated using an infobot--an automated email response system that looks at an incoming request and automatically sends a response to the initiator, based on keywords in the incoming email message, that can significantly shorten the process of closing sales.

    Mailing list servers

    ARI runs a listserv that acts a focal point for client electronic mailing lists. Software resident on our server provides maintenance for subscriber lists, remailing of submitted email and archiving of historical activity.

    Web Site Pricing for Business*

    Our standard charges for this service are as follows:

    Initial set up: $299.95
    Monthly charge: $99.95

    The monthly charge includes:

    10 Mbytes of storage space
    500 Megabytes of data transmitted

    Additional charges will be:

    $4.95/ea. 5 Megabytes of storage
    $4.95/ea. 100 Megabytes of data transmitted

    Web Site Pricing for Individuals*

    Our standard charges for this service are as follows:

    Initial set up: $99.95
    Monthly charge: $29.95

    The monthly charge includes:

    5 Mbytes of storage space
    250 Megabytes of data transmitted

    Additional charges will be:

    $2.95/ea. 5 Megabytes of storage
    $2.95 /ea. 100 Megabytes of data transmitted

    * includes SLIP/PPP and SHELL Account

    SLIP/PPP Account

    $19.95 /month for unlimited usage
    $111 for 6 months
    $198 for 1 year

    ARIS, Inc. - 111 Broadway, New York, NY 10006 - 212-843-2400 - fax 212-227-2825


    © 1996 Application Resources. All rights reserved.
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    Designed by Media Spin Interactive, Inc.  Produced by ARIS