(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Universities serve society by contributing to: the development of an
educated and enlightened population, capable of informed judgment and
responsible citizenship; the availability of persons who have the
knowledge, skills and adaptability required by public and private
enterprise, or by individuals seeking professional service; and the
advancement of knowledge, skill and human creativity. It is within this
context that The University of Manitoba has articulated the following
statement concerning its mission, goals, distinctive role and
The Mission of the University of Manitoba is to create preserve and
communicate knowledge and, thereby, contribute to the cultural, social
and economic well-being of the people of Manitoba, Canada and the world.
In fulfilling its mission, the University of Manitoba seeks to:
- i) provide the highest possible quality of undergraduate and graduate
university teaching in the humanities, social sciences, natural and
applied sciences, the fine and performing arts and the professions;
- ii) enhance student success by fostering an environment conducive to
intellectual and personal growth;
- iii) conduct original scholarship and basic and applied research, and
produce creative works -- of highest quality as judged by international
- iv) serve the community directly by making its expertise available to
individuals and institutions, and by providing as much access to the
University's intellectual, cultural, artistic and physical resources as
its primary teaching and research responsibilities permit;
- v) preserve and protect academic freedom and intellectual independence,
and provide a forum for critical inquiry and debate; and,
- vi) promote equity in access and employment and in the conduct of the
University's affairs.
The University of Manitoba as the largest and most comprehensive
institution of higher learning in Manitoba plays a distinctive role within
the Province. In addition to offering undergraduate liberal education in
arts, science, and education, The University of Manitoba provides
programs in a broad range of progressional studies, applied sciences and
fine and performing arts and is responsible for the vast majority of
graduate education and research in Manitoba. The University of Manitoba
serves all parts of the Province, including inner city and suburban
areas, rural and northern regions and attracts students from all
population groups and from all walks of life. It manages and delivers a
comprehensive array of both degree and non-degree credit courses not only
on its campuses but also by correspondence and other distance education
modalities both throughout the Province and beyond the Province, thereby
significantly increasing accessibility to university education.
The University of Manitoba is also distinctive among post-secondary
institutions in the Province by virtue of the multi-disciplinary activity
within the University and through its participation in
multi-institutional consortia and networks. It seeks to advance its
traditional role in teaching and learning, research and community service
through the establishment of new linkages with business, industry, arts
organizations, social agencies, non-profit organizations and governments
designed to contribute directly to the economic life of Manitobans and to
provide lifelong learning opportunities for them. Through residential
educational programs for seniors, Mini-University for youngsters, the
summer ballet school, the music preparatory program, public lectures,
concerts, recitals, theatrical productions, art exhibits, library and
archival services, athletic and recreational programs and in many other
ways, the University seeks to reinforce its role as an important part of
the culture and heritage of Manitoba.
The University is an active contributor to national and international
development by conducting educational programs and research under
contract. It also contributes to international development through the
opportunities provided to students and visisting scholars from other
countries to study at The University of Manitoba. Recognizing that many
of the intellectual and practical challenges facing society require an
integrated disciplinary approach, the University has established a
variety of centres, institutes and specialized research groups designed
to tackle important problems in a number of areas.
In recognition of its mission, goals and role, The University of Manitoba
is accountable for:
- a)facilitating access to its programs for as many students as meet its
mission requirements and as can be accommodated and effectively educated
within the available resources;
- b) providing programs that meet accepted and appropriate standards for
admission, evaluation and graduation of students and for curriculum
content and teaching effectiveness;
- c) facilitating research, scholarship and creative works that are of
high quality as judged by international standards;
- d) providing an exemplary environment for work and study with particular
attention to policies and procedures designed to foster equity; and,
- e) exhibiting responsible management of physical and human resources.