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Molecules in Astrophysics : Probes and Processes

IAU Symposium 178

Leiden, the Netherlands, July 1-5 1996

Contact us at:

Telephone : +(31)-71-5275831
         or +(31)-71-5275833
         or +(31)-71-5275814
E-mail    : symp96@strw.leidenuniv.nl
Mail      : IAU Symposium 178
            Leiden Observatory
            P.O. Box 9513
            NL-2300 RA  Leiden
            The Netherlands

Date and place

The symposium will take place on July 1 - 5, 1996 in a conference center near Leiden, The Netherlands.


Note, however, that we are close to the maximum number of participants, so if you have not registered yet, please contact the LOC first to ask if we can still accomodate you, before sending any payments.