(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
The Cinema Organ Society
Affiliated to the Cinema Organ Society
These page are still under construction - so please be patient!
Welcome to the Scottish Cinema Organ
Trust WWW page.
These pages aim to provide information about the world of the
cinema organ in Scotland. Although the heyday of these fine cinema
organs is long past, there are still a few enthusiasts in Cyberspace
who care for these mighty instruments; carefully restoring them
back to their former glory so that audiences once more can appreciate
their unique sound.
For those unsure about cinema organs start here.
See and hear the organs maintained
by SCOT.
Why not treat yourself to a unique weekend convention
in Scotland in 1996 and hear some of the classical and cinema organs in Scotland for yourself?
Why not come along to a concert and hear these organs?
Cool links to other organ-related internet sites around the cosmos.
Meet the Committee and learn about their organ related exploits?!
Any suggestions or comments about these pages,
please e-mail OrganDude.
This site is hosted by ScotNet.
Updated 31st. January, 1996. Prepared by OrganDude using WebWriter/2.