(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
Marketec Support Services Ltd
Marketec Support Services
Marketec Support Services Ltd provide communication, marketing and technical support services to organisations within, or associated with, the coiled tubing industry.
- Design and layout of newsletters and news sheets prepared for industry wide or controlled distribution.
- Association management services e.g. Marketec provide the association management services for the International Coiled Tubing Association (ICoTA).
Marketing Support
- Preparation and coordination of marketing material including brochures, technical information sheets or manuals prepared for client information.
- Design and preparation of presentation slides, overheads and supporting handout material for client information and education.
- Market research projects relating to the coiled tubing industry or associated topics.
Technical Support
- Preparation and coordination of technical documentation, including manuals and technical information sheets for engineering, maintenance or operational support functions.
- Design and preparation of presentation slides, overheads and supporting handout material for training and personnel development.
- Study and documentation of coiled tubing operation design, execution or maintenance processes, e.g. process mapping or flowchart preparation.
- Consultation advice and expertise in the design or support of coiled tubing operations, including related equipment, downhole tools and services.
Contact Details
For further information contact:
Bruce Adam
Marketec Support Services Ltd
Tel: (44) 1651 862715
Fax: (44) 1651 862734