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Sapporo LAMeN Server

Medical Servers in JAPAN

Vlth World Congress of the International Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons (ISCTS) in Hiroshima 1996.7.21-7.24
Japan National Cancer Center
Osaka Medical College
Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Fujita Hoken-Eisei Univ. Gopher / WWW server
GenomeNet WWW server
Hokkaido Univ. Hospital Neurology Gopher
University Medical Information Network(UMIN) Gopher / WWW server
MRI brain map of monkey head (Nihon Univ.)
Dept. of Anesthesiology & Resuscitology, Ehime Univ. School of Medicine
KUHP Hospital Information System
Dept. of Social & Preventive Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto Univ.
School of Health Science and Nursing Faculty of Medcine , University of Tokyo .
School of Medcine , Hiroshima University
University of Tokyo
The 1st Internet World Congress on Biomedical Science '94Faculty of Medicine, Mie Univ.

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Masanori Konishi