hide random home http://www.quote.com/hiring.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)

Quote.Com Career Opportunities

Quote.Com, Inc. is a rapidly growing provider of news and financial information on the WWW. We are aggressively expanding our staff in anticipation of a record year in 1996. We are seeking candidates for positions in the following areas:
Engineering Project Management, Systems Administration, Windows Development, Java Programming, Unix Programming, Customer Support, Editorial Direction, Graphic Artists/Designers, and Advertising Sales Reps.

Quote.Com offers a competitive compensation package that includes: medical insurance, paid vacation, and an attractive stock-equity participation plan. All positions require company sponsored relocation to Quote.Com's new headquarters in the Silicon Valley.

All candidates must have an interest in the financial marketplace and must be interested in the growth and development of building a truly compelling WWW site in a fast-paced competitive environment.

Please send a cover letter, resume, and a salary history to: hr@quote.com or fax your resume to 408-327-0707.

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