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Playboy Foundation Logo Playboy Foundation Guidelines
The Playboy Foundation was established in 1965 "to pursue, perpetuate and protect the principles of freedom and democracy." The Playboy Foundation seeks to foster social change by confining its grants and other support to projects of national impact and scope involved in fostering open communication about, and research into, human sexuality, reproductive health and rights; protecting and fostering civil rights and civil liberties in the United States for all people, including women, people affected and impacted by HIV/AIDS, gays and lesbians, racial minorities, the poor and the disadvantaged; and eliminating censorship and protecting freedom of expression.

The Foundation accepts grant proposals throughout the year. The Board of Directors generally meets in the fall to consider proposals. Grants range from $5000-$10,000. We are especially interested in projects where a small grant can make a difference.

Requests for funds should include the following information:

Grant Limitations

The Playboy Foundation will not consider religious programs, individual needs, capital campaigns, endowments, scholarships or fellowships; nor social services, including residential care, clinics, treatment or recreation programs; national health, welfare, educational or cultural organizations, or their state or local affiliates; nor government agencies or projects.

Proposals should be addressed to:

The Playboy Foundation
Executive Director
680 North Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60611

Rev. 10/95

Copyright © 1996 Playboy Enterprises, Inc.