(PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)
(Version 6.0)
EASI/PACE is a powerful remote sensing software Package which offers the widest range of functionality on the market today. EASI/PACE provides extensive capabilities in image classification, geometric correction, orthorectification, enhancement, filtering, vector edit with image backdrop, terrain analysis and visualization, radar image processing, DEM extraction, atmospheric correction, and hyperspectral data analysis.
EASI/PACE operates on the widest range of computer platforms:
- Windows 3.1
- Windows 95
- Windows NT
- OS/2
- DEC Alpha
- SUN Sparc
- Hewlett Packard 700
- Data General AViiON
- Silicon Graphics
- IBM RS/6000
All EASI/PACE software operates on the complete range of supported computer platforms, with identical user interfaces.
Note: The character code in brackets refers to the software Package's part number on the EASI/PACE Price List.
EASI/PACE is a modular system. The Image Processing Kit is the core of EASI/PACE, and is the Package which all users begin with. Depending on processing requirements, additional software Packages may be added.
EASI/PACE Image Processing Kit (IPK)
The EASI/PACE Image Processing Kit is comprised of the following software Packages:
ImageWorks is GUI based software which incorporates the most frequently needed image display, enhancement, and data management tools in an easy to learn user interface. The software provides integrated raster and vector display technologies. Features of ImageWorks include:
- Multi-band image display, roam, and zoom
- Dynamically resizable windows
- Full resolution exploration of large databases
- Interactive look-up table, image, and pseudo color editing
- Direct link to over 50 raster and vector formats using GeoGateway™
- DEM editing tools
- Supervised and unsupervised classification with Multispectral (MAK) option
- Image filters with preview
- Vector edit with image backdrop (heads up digitizing)
- Graphic annotation - lines, shapes, text
- Vector to raster conversion
- Image movie loop
- Image arithmetic and modeling
- Scale and transformation functions
- Hyperspectral data spectral plot with Hyperspectral Data Analysis (HY) option
- Database setup, query, and management functions
- Set projection and earth model
- Print to Postscript
This software is an interactive, point-and-click tool for performing ground control point collection, image-to-map, image-to-image, and image-to-vector registration, and image mosaicking.
Ground control points are collected using multiple image displays -- one window displays an overview of the entire image, the second window provides a full resolution subset of the area of interest for precise GCP collection. GCP locations are estimated automatically by the software. Error reports are updated after each new point, and the user can specify up to a fifth order polynomial fit.
Mosaics are created from image sources through user specified mosaic cut lines and automatic tone or color balancing. A registration/mosaic preview feature facilitates quality control before registration to disk.
XPACE is the Graphical User Interface for EASI/PACE, providing point-and-click access to all applications. This Package is available on Desktop and Workstations, providing a common interface across all platforms.
The Kernel provides database management and data transfer programs. With EASI/PACE, the user has the choice of working with the software in either Graphical User Interface, prompt, menu, or command mode. The Kernel includes the EASI+ structured language command interface, which provides the ability to create macros, do batch processing, perform image processing functions not included in EASI/PACE, and access to peripheral devices.
Image Processing
This Package provides fundamental image processing capabilities, such as image arithmetic, several types of filtering, radiometric correction and enhancement, and intensity-hue-saturation and reverse transforms. Mean, median, mode, edge detection, Gaussian, and weighted average filters are supported. Image compression techniques are included in this Package. Data transform using forward and reverse Cosine, Fourier, Hadamard, or Walsh 2D FFT transforms is possible.
Geometric Correction
Use this Package to ensure that images of different resolutions are correctly referenced to the earth. Four types of registration are possible: image to image, image to map, image to vector, and image to terminal coordinates. During ground control point (GCP) collection, extensive error reports are provided to ensure proper results when the final image is produced. Once the GCPs have been collected, up to a 5th order model can be used to rectify the image. Pixel sizes can also be resampled so that input data with varying resolutions can be stored in the same manner for further processing. Images can be mosaicked and blended along arbitrary cut-lines, and histogram matched.
Vector Utilities
Interactively manipulate and modify vectors that are either input from a digitizing table, imported from a vector GIS, or created through raster to vector conversion. Vector input programs allow entering and editing of line and point data, with or without associated attribute values. Gridding programs allow the user to take contours or points with elevations, digitized off a map, and create a raster DEM model. Contouring of raster surfaces such as DEMs is supported.
GIS Links
To extract even more information from EASI/PACE, users can exchange vector, point and attribute data with GIS systems. This Package provides a software link to many GIS Packages such as ARC/INFO, TYDAC/SPANS, INTERGRAPH, and AutoCAD, and file formats such as DLG-3 and Erdas.
Multilayer Modeling
This Package is a critical decision support tool that allows the user to combine up to 128 layers (channels) of information, each with up to 256 values (or attributes). Using a powerful modeling language, these layers and associated attributes can be related to produce suitability or site selection maps. As well, images can be queried by simply pointing to a pixel, and up to 16 layers of attribute information is presented interactively. Additional GIS tools include index, matrix, and overlay analysis. Proximity zone maps may be generated.
The modeling language is also a very powerful pixel-based image processing language which allows the user to do channel arithmetic, ratios, reports, sub-area totalizations, and to write almost any imaging equation. Looping, "if-then-else" constructs, internal variables, and trigonometric functions are supported.
Other EASI/PACE Software Packages
Image Mapping Kit (IMK)
This Package creates high quality image, vector, and theme maps. Interactive placement and sizing of map components such as legends, tick marks, grids, scale bars and labels is supported. Full WYSIWYG capability ensures that the paper map is identical to the map created on the screen. Output map files to all Postscript printers, and to a wide variety of printers in their native formats.
Multispectral Analysis Kit (MAK)
Extend user capabilities by using multi-band imagery to help identify earth features. Techniques such as feature space exploration, principal components analysis, channel ratioing and decorrelation stretch, considerably improve the user's ability to identify and map features on the earth. Also included are extensive capabilities for performing supervised and unsupervised classification using maximum likelihood, K-nearest neighbor, K-means clustering, minimum distance, Isodata, homogenous, and other classifiers. A wide range of statistical reports allow the user to generate precise results. (note: the Multispectral Analysis Kit is sold with a Classification GUI tool, which is part of ImageWorks.)
Terrain Analysis (TA)
Terrain Analysis employs elevation data to generate 2-D and 3-D perspective views, slope or aspect maps, stereo images, shaded relief maps, and determine watersheds, drainage basins, and volumes under surfaces. Results from Terrain Analysis may be used as input to other EASI/PACE programs, such as classification or modeling.
Radar Analysis (RA)
Manipulate satellite (RADARSAT, ERS, JERS) and airborne radar data through functions such as radar image orthorectification, slant range to ground range conversion, antenna pattern correction, and texture analysis. An array of radar specific filters removes speckle from images. The generation of simulated radar images based on an input DEM is supported. Change detection between radar images can be calculated and image quality reports can be generated.
Polarimetric Radar Analysis (PR)
The Polarimetric Radar Analysis Package reads, processes, and calibrates SAR Stokes and scattering matrix data, such as that available from the JPL airborne SAR. The software is able to synthesize radar images with arbitrary polarizations. Polarimetric radar data provide more information for the remote sensing analyst than single-band SAR radar data. The multi-band images produced by this Package can be used by PCI's Multispectral Analysis Kit and Neural Network Classifiers Package.
Airphoto DEM (AD)
This Package extracts a DEM from overlapping scanned air photos. The geometry of the camera and entered ground control points are used in conjunction with pixel matching techniques to measure the pixel shift between the overlapping images. The calculated shift for each pixel is transformed into an elevation value. Complete error reporting is available, and DEM clean-up can be accomplished using an interactive control panel in ImageWorks.
Satellite Ortho and DEM (SD)
This Package can generate orthoimages from LANDSAT, SPOT, IRS, RADARSAT, ERS and JERS images. Utilizing information such as satellite position/orientation and a DEM, the software produces map accurate images which are corrected for satellite and earth distortions. This is essential if the user wishes to precisely fuse multi-sensor image data, or needs to use satellite imagery in conjunction with a GIS/MAP/Cad Package. Additionally, the Package can generate a raster DEM using overlapping stereo SPOT images. The software is based on algorithms developed at the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS).
Atmospheric Correction (AC)
This Package radiometrically corrects LANDSAT TM, MSS, and SPOT imagery for atmospheric effects, which produces a purer image and results in more accurate image analysis and classification output. The software is based on algorithms developed by the German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR), and generates a reflectance image from the original radiance image.
Neural Network Classifiers (NN)
Perform multispectral classification without the restrictive assumptions of parametric classifiers. This Package includes the K-Nearest Neighbor supervised classifier, the optimal unsupervised fuzzy classifier, the multi-level segmentation network, orthogonal 2-D Mallet wavelet transformations, and linear spectral unmixing.
Hyperspectral Analysis (HY)
This Package contains a set of programs based upon the SPECPR routines developed at the USGS Denver Spectroscopy Lab, which were designed to analyze hyperspectral imagery, such as 224 band AVIRIS data. The Package accesses spectral libraries which define characteristics of various minerals and other materials. Various image spectroscopy and classification functions are included. Linear spectral unmixing is supported. (Note: ImageWorks includes a Spectral Plot panel which plots spectra from a hyperspectral image or from a spectral library.)
Tape I/O (TI)
This Package reads and writes common tape formats used in remote sensing -- LANDSAT, EOSAT, AVHRR, LGSOWG, CEOS, SPOT, ERS, JERS, IRS, NOAA, DTED, DFAD, DEM, WDB II, DCW, band sequential, and other formats are supported. Tape I/O automatically identifies the type of tape, thereby simplifying operator commands. Image data can be read directly from tape to disk, or to display for previewing.
Software Toolbox Object Libraries (ST)
The Toolbox is a collection of C and FORTRAN subroutines that allow the user to communicate with the database, the display, the PCI interface, and supported peripherals. The Toolbox allows the user to integrate new processing algorithms directly into the EASI/PACE software environment.
RadarSoft® Standalone Kit (RSK)
For the analyst primarily interested in working with satellite or airborne radar imagery, PCI offers RadarSoft, which is standalone software comprised of EASI/PACE Packages and programs which are required to analyze radar data.
RadarSoft includes the ImageWorks, GCPWorks, XPACE, Kernel, Image Processing, Geometric Correction, GIS Links, Radar Analysis, Polarimetric Radar Analysis, and Tape I/O Packages in their entirety. Also included are programs from the Satellite Ortho and DEM Package, which create orthoimages from RADARSAT, ERS and JERS imagery.
PCI Stand-Alone Software Packages
OrthoEngine™ (OE)
OrthoEngine generates precise orthophotos from scanned aerial photographs. The software guides the user through each step of the ortho process: camera calibration, the collection of fiducial marks, ground control and tie point collection, block bundle adjustment, orthorectification, and mosaicking. The generated orthos may be exported to a wide variety of formats to use in conjunction with the most popular GIS/CAD/Map software Packages.
ImageWorks and GCPWorks Kit (IWK)
This Kit includes the capabilities of ImageWorks and GCPWorks, as described on pages 2 and 3. The Kit is ideal for users who need to interactively view, query, and enhance imagery, and geometrically correct the imagery in order to use the data in conjunction with a GIS/CAD/Map system.
ImageWorks Multispectral (IWM)
This Kit offers the capabilities of (IWK), plus the capability to perform unsupervised and supervised image classification. Full interactivity supports quick classification preview and edit of classification parameters, and a complete suite of accuracy assessment tools are provided.
FLY! ® (FL)
Using a DEM and imagery, FLY! generates 3-D perspective scenes in near-real time. By interactively adjusting factors such as speed, direction of look, height, and vertical exaggeration, a near-real time fly through is generated. The fly through can be recorded for later playback, and perspective scenes can be saved to disk for printing or video output. The user may plan a flight path in advance by selecting way points on a nadir image of the area of interest. Applications of FLY! include terrain visualization, environmental assessment, geological structure analysis, mission planning and DEM quality assessment.
FLY! can take advantage of anaglyph glasses and SGI Crystal Eyes Lens shutter glasses technologies for true 3-D display.
ACE offers powerful tools to facilitate the production of cartographic quality maps. The software provides a complete environment for producing digital maps, from data input through to preparation for printing. ACE integrates both vector and raster information, and includes complete a cartographic editing environment. Features include:
- Cartographic symbolization of geographic features
- Cartographic priorities and object layering
- Full WYSIWYG display
- Automatic legend, grid, scale bar, north arrow generation
- Unique graphical user interface allows for efficient map composition while maintaining strict cartographic standards for accuracy
SPANS Explorer® (SE)
SPANS Explorer is a raster/vector software Package which allows the user to import, analyze, model and export all major geographic data types. SPANS Explorer can be used in a host of applications to update and manage geographic data, perform site selection analysis, identify trends and examine spatial relationships. Features include:
- Full raster and vector integration
- Multi-source data translation
- On-screen digitizing
- Table attribute modeling
- Multi criteria analysis
- Proximity analysis
- Nested and spatial attribute queries
- Interactive map composition
PCI software utilizes GeoGateway technology to directly read and write raster, vector and other information from an extensive list of supported file formats. This offers the advantage of quick and direct access to data, and eliminates the need to replicate files since conversion is no longer necessary.
GeoGateway supports:
ADRG Laser-Scan
Arc Generate LaserScan IFF Text
Arc/Info Import/Export LIPS (Gould)
Arc/Info Shapefile MicroStation Design Files (DGN)
Aries Image Format (DIPIX) NITF
AutoCAD DXF NTX (Caris Interchange format)
DEM (USGS Digital Elevation Model) Raw Image Format
DLG (USGS Digital Line Graph) RST (Works ASCII RST)
DOQ (USGS Digital
Orthophoto Quadrangle) Siemens SICAD (.SQD)
DTED SPANS Vector Archive
Erdas Imagine (.img) SPOTView GIS-GEOSPOT
Erdas .GIS and .LAN Sun Raster
GXF TBA (.tba)
HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) TIFF
HIDISK (HI-VIEW image format) UK National Transfer Format (.NTF)
Image Display Handler UNIDSK-VMS
Intergraph Raster Files VICAR
Joint Photographic Experts
Group (JPEG) files WorldMap
LAS Image Format xBase (.dbf)
X Window Dump
PCI, EASI/PACE, ImageWorks, GCPWorks, RadarSoft and FLY! are Registered Trademarks of PCI.
OrthoEngine and GeoGateway are Trademarks of PCI.
SPANS Explorer is a Registered Trademark of Tydac.
ACE is a Trademark or LSC 2+1, Inc.
Other brands and product names are Trademarks of their respective owners.