hide random home http://www.pci.on.ca/ftp-info.html (PC Press Internet CD, 03/1996)


A ftp server is intended to support users of PCI's products and those interested in our products. It is also intended to provide a mechanism to allow our users to share code and ideas.

In addition to this, PCI produces a number of software packages that are available as freeware, or as demo versions, to which anyone is welcome.

Access Information

Either go to the WWW URL ftp://ftp.pci.on.ca/index.html or connect to address ftp.pci.on.ca using ftp. Login with user name anonymous and provide your full email address as the password.

FTP directories and policy

Files available for retrieval are stored in the /pub directory tree. We have tried to keep the file and directory names as clear and understandable as possible. PCI maintains a README file within the /pub directory that explains what each file and directory is.

The directory /pub/incoming is available for users to upload things they wish to make available to other PCI users (and the world in general). There are a number of restrictions on incoming files:


The address of the person responsible for administering PCI's anonymous ftp area.