HAPEX SAHEL Information System
A joint project between LERTS, ORSTOM and CNES
This document is adaptated from D. E. Strebel, D. Landis, J. A. Newcomer, J. DeCampo, and B. W. Meeson - Collected Data of the First ISLSCP Field Experiment, Prototype volume. Published on CDROM by NASA, 1991.
Items marked by a (+) are mandatory, and items marked by a (-) will be filled by the HAPEX SAHEL Information System Team.
Title or name for the data set, generally a short descriptive phrase, e.g. AVHRR LAC1, LEVEL 1 DATA.
HAPEX 2 SAHEL data base in which the data may be found.
Name (or class of names) of the file(s) on the HAPEX 2 SAHEL CD-ROM in which the data may be found.
The last date that this document was edited.
Identify the Principal Investigator for this data set, including general affiliation, if applicable.
The title of the study for which the data set was collected.
The persons most knowledgeable about the actual collection and processing of the data sets. In many cases this will be a person (or persons), other than Principal Investigator, who prepared the data for submission to HAPEX 2 SAHEL and is sufficiently knowledgeable about the data to answer technical questions about it. When the Primary investigator is a primary contact, full address information should be given here, not in item (2.1). Item 2.3.1 through 2.3.4 should be presented in a table format, with the information for each contact person provided in a separate column.
|------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | Contact 1 | Contact 2 | Contact 3 | |--------------|----------------------|--------------------_|------------------| |2.3.1 Name | | | | |2.3.2 Address | | | | | Country | | | | |2.3.3 Tel. | | | | |2.3.4 Email | | | | |2.3.5 Fax. | | | | |--------------|----------------------|--------------------_|------------------|
How the Principal Investigator would like to be acknowledged when this data set is referenced or used by another investigator.
Why the study was undertaken, and what the Principal investigator hoped to achieve by conducting it.
A summary of the phenomena which are being studied, and their parameters. Note that a full description will be given in item 8.
A few introductory paragraphs which describe the Experiment, the nature of the data, the quality of the data, etc.
Theoretical basis for the way in which the measurements were made (e.g. special procedures, characteristics of the instrument, etc.).
A listing of the instrumentation and the characteristics of the instrumentation.
What the instrument is mounted on.
The reason why the mission was undertaken. (Mission here refers, in general, to the general purpose of operational or research satellites and aircraft.. The particular study objectives are in item 3.1.)
The primary quantities being measured (e.g. surface radiance).
Fundamental scientific basis for the way the instrument operates. This is a summary; where a full development is required, it should be in item 4.
Describe the sensor location, orientation, and any other parameters which affect the collection or analysis of data (e.g. field of view, optical characteristics, height, etc. )
name, address, and telephone number of the company which produced the instrument. If the measuring device was built by the investigator, or specially customised by someone, please specify.
Describe how the measurements made by the device(s) are calibrated with known standards. Specific details should be given in the subparagraphs below.
Record any specifications which affect the calibration of the device, its operations, or the analysis of the data collected with it.
Describe the acceptable range of inputs and the precision of the output values.
Indicate how often the instrument is measured against a standard. Also indicates any other routine procedures required to maintain calibration or detect miscalibrations. Describes also the actual practice with this device.
Give factory calibration coefficients, informations about independent calibrations, history of modifications, etc.
Describe the procedures for acquiring this data in sufficient detail so that someone else with similar equipment could duplicate your measurements.
Indicate the total area covered by each measurement or set of measurements. Also give enough information to locate the geographic position of the measurement with suitable precision.
The degree to which the terrain may be resolved into constituent or elementary parts (e.g. The dimension of each image pixel.).
Describe the actual temporal resolution and coverage of the data collected.
The period(s) of time during which data was collected more or less continuously (e.g. an Intensive Obervating Period or a Golden Day).
Describe the optimum and typical intervals between measurements during the periods in 6.3.1 (e.g. hourly, daily).
Use this section to record observations made during actual data collection, which could bear on the analysis of the data, e.g. condition of site, peculiar procedures or operations, the presence of U.F.O's or camel patties, etc.
A annotated description of the HAPEX 2 SAHEL data base table.
This section should describe the data submitted, with items 8.2.1 through 8.2.5 (below) being represented as columns in a table.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 8.2.1 | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Parameter/Variable Name | | | | | | 8.2.2 | 8.2.3 | 8.2.4 | 8.2.5 | | |Parameter/Variable Description |Range |Units |Source | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | |min = | | | | | |max = | | | | | |missing = | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One or more sample records from a data file should be recorded here.
Indicate the format specifier for the data (as it will appear on the CD-ROM).
List any formulae required in processing the data.
Describe any special techniques or algorithms used.
Indicates the sequence of processing steps.
For long term, repetitive, or revised data sets; give an history of changes in the processing sequence.
Describe what factors of the instrument or environment may introduce errors in the observations.
Describe all efforts to validate the data by the submitter.
Subjective discussion of data quality.
Quantitative error estimates.
List known problems and discrepancies in the data set.
Place any "Truth in Analysis" warning here.
Use those section for any other information about the study (such as humorous anecdotes, lame excuses, abject apologies, miracles, etc.).
List any published documentation relevant to the data collected, such as manufacturer's instruction manuals, government technical manuals, use's guide, etc.
List technical reports and scientific publications which concern the methods, instruments, or data described in this document. Publications by the Principal Investigator or investigating group which would help a reader understand or analyse the data are particularly important.
Give here the data set that used these ground stations.
For each station give usual name, personal identification such as code number, longitude, latitude, altitude being represented as column in a table (see below).
Give here the usual or traditional name of the station such as the name of the nearest village.
Give here the station code used in your data set.
Give the latitude in degrees, minutes, seconds, and hundredth of seconds (e.g. 12013'14,15").
Give the longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds, and hundredth of seconds (e.g. 02003'04,05").
Give the elevation in meters.
Give the acronyms of Super Site and Wind Area Blob the station belongs to ( CS Central Site, NS Northern Site, SS Southern Site, CS Central Site, CWS Central West Site).
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6| Station usual name | PI's Station code | Latitude | Longitude | Altitude | SS | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | - | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Describe the procedures for acquiring this data in sufficient detail so that someone else with similar equipment could duplicate your measurements.
Quantitative error estimates.
Give for a particular station or the whole station relevant comments such as vegetation, road, snow, etc.
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This page was updated September 29, 1995 by T.Valero & J.C.Meunier.
© Copyright 1995 HAPEX SAHEL Information System