We invite you use the form below to email Oracle for pre-sales Oracle software product information. For the fastest response, please call 1-800-ORACLE1 within the USA. Outside the USA, please contact your local Oracle office. |
To best serve your needs, it may be necessary for us to contact you by phone.
Please indicate your role or that of your organization:
Reseller System Integrator Consultant End User Other: |
Please indicate your general areas of interest:
Data Warehousing Application Development Tools Internet Mobile Computing Application Products Other: |
Please indicate your product interests:
Oracle RDBMS Developer/2000 Discoverer/2000 Workgroup Server Power Objects Objects for OLE Personal Oracle7 Oracle Media Objects Other: |
Are you working within a timeframe?
Less than 1 month Less than 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 months to 1 year More than 1 year |
Is your organization federally affiliated?
Yes No |
Is your organization a public sector entity?
Yes No |
Do you have a specific, budgeted project?
Yes No |
What is your budget range?(in US Dollars)
Less than $10,000 $10,000 to $50,000 $50,000 or greater |
Please use the space below for comments and questions.
If possible, please specify your hardware and the number of users.