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Net Access Network Connectivity

Net Access Network Connectivity

Current Connectivity

Our main connectivity is through a T3 which goes into a router with a 100mbit conenction directly into MAE-East, the largest point of Internet traffic exchange in the world. We are currently bringing in most of our new dedicated customers to our T3-connected location, and will be connecting our ISDN PRIs there.
We have "mutual backup" arrangements with area providers, which we can use in case of network probelm with our T3 or with MAE-East (which have only happened once, for a few hours, in the last 6 months):

  • With Microserve, which has a Sprint T1
  • With Fishnet, which has a Sprint T1
  • With You Tools, which is connected to both Sprint and MCI
  • With Panix in NYC, which has a Sprint T1 and a MCI T1

    We also have had a connection (initially 10mbit but now T3) on order to the Pennsauken Network Access Point (like MAE-East, but closer to Philadelphia and run by Sprint instead of MFS). This will provide us with a high-speed backup in Philadelphia to our main T3.

    We have two main data centers, Wyndmoor and our MFS Colocation space. We are moving our unix machines from Wyndmoor to MFS in either January or February, but will be maintaining Wyndmoor as a fully functional backup site with its own Internet connections and some live- backup server machines. (And, of course, the > 100 modems at Wyndmoor will stay). There is a dedicated T1 between Wyndmoor and MFS; there will be a T1 PVC connection over the Frame Relay cloud; and we also have connectivity between the sites only 3 hops away through DC.