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University Postgraduate Studentships 1996

Applications are invited for University Research Studentships in the following subjects of study: Studentships, which are tenable for three years, include a maintenance grant of 6,500 pounds sterling from October 1996, which is subject to an annual review, and remission of Home/EU or Excepted Student fees. (Students who are liable for fees at a higher rate will need to pay the difference.) A fund of up to 2,500 pounds sterling per annum is available for support costs for the project, and up to 500 pounds sterling may be claimed during the tenure of the Studentship for travel undertaken in connection with the project and to attend conferences.

Applicants should have or expect to obtain a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree in an appropriate subject.

Further details of the Studentships and an application form may be obtained from the Research Services Unit, The University of Newcastle, 1 Park Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU (Tel: 0191 222 7119) or from the project supervisor named above.

Applications must be returned on the forms provided by 29 February 1996.

Phaedra Chesbrough 0191 222 6957