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The Raptors Rap Up!

The Toronto Raptors!

That's right, Toronto! We're in the NBA!

Wednesday, March 6th, was our second historic Raptors Chat from the floor of the Skydome!

- Come back for our next chat March 29th Raptors vs. Orlando Magic -

Check out updated Rap Up game results, chat transcripts and your chance to
enter Rap Up Rewards to win a real ticket to our Cyber Slam section at the SkyDome:

Game Results and Live Chat Transcripts

Raptors Broadcast Schedules on Citytv and the New VR.

Your chance to Win Cyber Slam Tickets to see the Raptors!

You could join us for a CyberSlam at these upcoming games...
March 22nd San Antonio Spurs - March 26th Atlanta Hawks - April 2nd L.A. Clippers - April 4th Cleveland Cavaliers

Go For It!

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