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Microsoft Usability
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Usability Home

Ever wanted to have a say in your software?

Yes, I want to receive information on being a usability participant.

Because user input is invaluable in making our products easier to use, we would like to extend an invitation for you to participate in this research!

Often we ask people from the Seattle area to spend a few hours on our corporate campus to work with products we are developing. In conjunction with these efforts, we also visit companies and organizations to conduct on-site visits. During these visits, Microsoft product developers observe how users work and interact with software.

We schedule the lab sessions and site visits at the convenience of our volunteers, with visits typically lasting an hour or two. As a token of our appreciation, all participants are given a Microsoft software product from the Usability Gratuity List.

We are interested in all types of people and places who use any brand of software. You don't have to use computers or Microsoft products to participate!

Usability Home

Mail to: usable@microsoft.com; Last update: 2/23/96