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Building Internet Applications Microsoft PDC: Building Internet Applications
Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
March 11, 1996 - March 14, 1996

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Thousand’s have already Signed up! There’s only a few spots left!

You've caught Internet fever, you need to ship a release of your app with cool new features that dazzle your users (and blows away your competitors). You need to ship it now, so you can't afford to reinvent the wheel. At the same time, you want to look ahead at the new opportunities the Internet brings! You need to come to the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference - Building Internet Applications!

The PDC is the place to get the hard-core technical info and tools you need to make that happen. See 58 vendors showing the development products you already use and trust, fully Internet-enabled, to speed your app to market. Learn how to leverage the Internet components Microsoft ships to 80 million desktops. And get a CD full of specs, code samples, and SDKs detailing Microsoft's Internet technologies including OLE Controls, DocObjects, and ISAPI.

Webmasters and content publishers haven't been left out, the PDC includes sessions on Web Site Solutions with Microsoft FrontPage, Internet Studio, HTML authoring as well as Birds of a Feather sessions on server-side scripting, Java and more.

But wait, there's more! The conference Intranet, based on Microsoft BackOffice technology, will be available to all attendees. You'll be able to connect to the Web, email questions to speakers, and check out the daily conference agenda live throughout the show.

And that’s not all -- "So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish!" World-famous best-selling author Douglas Adams will be a keynote speaker so you can expect an irreverent perspective on the Internet and how technology affects our lives!

How much would you pay? Don’t answer yet! We’ll also be holding a drawing at the end of the conference! We’ll be giving away a fully loaded, hot off the production line, Digital laptop!

Register Now! Thousands of developers have already registered to attend, only a couple hundred more developers will get in. Don't forget the lessons of the past - early info leads to first-to-market products - you can't afford to miss the PDC!

If you're just too darn slow and the conference sells out before you can register, all is not lost - we'll broadcast Bill Gate's keynote address and other selected sessions over the Internet via MBONE!

To Register

By Phone: Domestic & Canadian Toll Free Calls:
6:30am - 5:30pm weekdays, PST(800) 545-8240
International Calls:
6:30am - 5:30pm weekdays, PST (612) 550-6390

By Fax: Microsoft Professional Developer's Conference - (612) 550-6391

By Mail: Complete the fax form, rank the technology tracks in order of most interest to you, include full payment, and mail to:

    Microsoft Corporation
    Microsoft Professional Developer's Conference
    P.O. Box 1705
    Minneapolis, MN 55440-1705

Professional Developer's Conference Registration Fees:

    Conference Prices
    Conference fee: $1,045
    Pre-Conference Workshops fee: $299
    Evening Tracks fee: $0

    Payment: Use VISA, Master Card or American Express, or enclose check or money order payable in U.S. funds to Microsoft Professional Developer's Conference. Please include attendee name/Microsoft Professional Developer's Conference on your check. Do not send cash or purchase orders. Registration fee includes all applicable sales and local taxes.

General Information
General information about the show, including registration information.
Pre-Conference Workshop
(March 11, 1996)

We are also providing a pre-conference meeting on March 11th, 1996.
Evening Tracks
(March 11, 1996)

Evening tracks for all conference attendees.
General Sessions
(March 12 - 14, 1996)

Conference Tracks
(March 12 - 14, 1996)

Details and session descriptions of the Pre-Agenda listing of Conference Tracks.
Sponsors (New!)
Internet PDC Sponsors
Exhibitors (New!)
Internet PDC Exhibitors
Cool Products! (New!)
Check out a cool new product being shown in the PDC tradeshow, check back frequently for new product profiles

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January, 1996